A Little Catechism, 1692 eBook

John Mason
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 9 pages of information about A Little Catechism, 1692.

A Little Catechism, 1692 eBook

John Mason
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 9 pages of information about A Little Catechism, 1692.

Answ. NO.

Quest. How must you be delivered.

Answ. Only by Jesus Christ?

Quest. Who is Jesus Christ?

Answ.  The Son of God.

Quest. Is he not Man also?

Answ. YES.  He was always God, and in the Fullness of time became Man, and so he is both God and Man, in two Natures, and one Person for ever.

Quest. What hath Christ done for Sinners?

Answ. He hath died for them.

Quest. What Death did he die?

Answ. The Death of the Cross.

Quest. Why died he that Death?

Answ. Because it is written, Cursed is he that hangeth upon a Tree.

Quest. Did Christ bear the Curse of God that was due to Sinners?

Answ. YES.

Quest. Are all the World saved by him?

Answ. NO.

Quest. Why so?

Answ. Because he is not theirs.

Quest. What must we do, that Christ may be ours?

Answ. Believe on him.

Quest. What is it to Believe on him?

Answ. To rest upon Him for Salvation.

Quest. What grounds of Encouragement have we to rest upon Christ for

Answ. These six: 

1.  He is an only Saviour. 2.  He is an able Saviour. 3.  He is a willing Saviour. 4.  He is a faithful Saviour. 5.  He is a suitable Saviour. 6.  He is an offered Saviour.

Quest. When is Christ offered?

Answ. In the Gospel.

Quest. Name some Places?

Answ. John 3. 16. God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life. John 6. 37. Him that comes unto me, I will in no wise cast out. I Tim. 1. 15. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners.

Quest. Multitudes are called and invited, why do they not come to

Answ. Because they are not Humble.

Quest. Why are they not Humble?

Answ. Because they do not see their sins and sinfulness.

Quest. What must we do that we may see our sins and our sinfulnesses?

Answ. 1.  We must search the Scriptures. 2.  We must hear the Word of God Preached. 3.  We must Examine our Consciences. 4.  We must Pray to God for his Spirit.

Quest. If a poor Creature comes to Christ, crying, lamenting and confessing his sins, will Christ receive him?

Answ. YES, YES:  His mercifull Arms are spread wide open to receive him.

Quest. What will the Lord do for such a one that comes to him?

Project Gutenberg
A Little Catechism, 1692 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.