Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891.

Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891.

Kroll.  Why?  Because I thought you were both orthodox, which made all the difference.  Now I know that you side with LAURITS and HILDA, and mean to make the democracy into noblemen, and accordingly I intend to make it hot for you in my paper. Good morning! [He slams the door with spite as REBECCA enters from bed-room.

Rosmer (as if surprised).  You—­in my bedroom!  You have been listening, dear?  But you are so emancipated.  Ah, well! so our pure and beautiful friendship has been misinterpreted, bespattered!  Just because you wear a morning wrapper, and have lived here alone for a year, people with coarse souls and ignoble eyes make unpleasant remarks!  But what really did drive BEATA mad? Why did she jump into the mill-race?  I’m sure we did everything we could to spare her!  I made it the business of my life to keep her in ignorance of all our interests—­didn’t I, now?

Reb. You did—­but why brood over it?  What does it matter?  Get on with your great, beautiful task, dear, (approaching him cautiously from behind), winning over minds and wills, and creating noblemen, you know—­joyful noblemen!

Rosmer (walking about, restlessly, as if in thought).  Yes, I know.  I have never laughed in the whole course of my life—­we ROSMERS don’t—­and so I felt that spreading gladness and light, and making the democracy joyful, was properly my mission.  But now—­I feel too upset to go on, REBECCA, unless—­ (Shakes his head heavily.) Yes, an idea has just occurred to me—­(looks at her, and then runs his hands through his hair)—­oh, my goodness, no—­I can’t.

    [He leans his elbows on table.

Reb. Be a free man to the full, ROSMER—­tell me your idea.

Rosmer (gloomily).  I don’t know what you’ll say to it.  It’s this.  Our platonic comradeship was all very well while I was peaceful and happy.  Now that I’m bothered and badgered, I feel—­why, I can’t exactly explain, but I do feel that I must oppose a new and living reality to the gnawing memories of the past.  I should, perhaps, explain that this is equivalent to an Ibsenian proposal.

Reb. (catches at the chairback with joy).  How? at last—­a rise at last! (Recollects herself.) But what am I about?  Am I not an emancipated enigma? (Puts her hands over her ears as if in terror.) What are you saying?  You mustn’t.  I can’t think what you mean.  Go away, do!

Rosmer (softly).  Be the new and living reality.  It is the only way to put BEATA out of the Saga.  Shall we try it?

Reb. Never!  Do not—­do not ask me why—­for I haven’t a notion—­but never! (Nods slowly to him and rises.) White Horses would not induce me! (With her hand on door-handle.) Now you know! [She goes out.

Project Gutenberg
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.