said about the National Commission having a list
submitted to it for any other purpose than the
purpose of approval or disapproval. We never
asked for a list for information, nor was anything
ever said about referring anything back to the
committee of five. What was ever said by
the members of the National Commission then present
to indicate to you that we withdrew or abandoned our
demand for arbitration if the right of approval or
disapproval was not accorded the National Commission?
And if nothing was said by us evidencing such
an abandonment of the demand, what answer have
you ever made to such a demand? If your conversation
with the members of the National Commission in your
office that day was not intended to make the impression
on them that you assented to sending the awards
to the National Commission for approval or disapproval,
it was as misleading a conversation as I ever
listened to, and both the other gentlemen of the
National Commission who were present agree with me
in this view.
Right here let me suggest
that in the future our written
communications be answered
in writing. We will then at least
have a record in writing.
We reiterate that we are not looking for trouble or work, but as the representatives of the Federal Government we do not propose, if we can prevent it, to acquiesce in having the awards of this exposition promulgated without our approval when we think the law devolves this duty upon us. If your second letter of the 4th instant, in which you state your understanding, is the course your company proposes to take about this matter, we reiterate our demand for arbitration as contained in our letter of October 18. We suppose it will not be contended that we have lost the right of arbitration. We insist that there be no official promulgation of the action of the superior jury until such arbitration shall have been concluded.
Awaiting your early reply,
Very respectfully,
Acting President.
President Louisiana Purchase
Exposition Company,
Administration Building.
Under date of November 8, President Francis replied to the foregoing letter as follows:
NOVEMBER 8, 1904.
DEAR SIR: Your communication of Saturday, November 5, was not read by me until yesterday, Monday, November 7, and was submitted to the executive committee to-day. I can not say whether the tone and spirit of the letter, or the statement that you misunderstood the position of the Exposition Company, was the more surprising. I desire to state emphatically that at no time have I ever told you or said anything that would justify you in believing that the Exposition Company accepted the contention that the National Commission has the right to approve or disapprove the awards of the superior jury before they are final. It is true I did invite you into my office after the