Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

    Director of Exhibits.

    President Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

    Secretary Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

The Commission early experienced great inconvenience in preparing and submitting its monthly reports, as required by law, to the President of the United States, of the financial condition of the exposition, owing to delay in receiving monthly statements from the company and the incomplete nature of such statements when received.

From an examination of the reports furnished by the Exposition Company, it will be observed that they were at all times deficient in that they did not show the outstanding liabilities of the company.  The Commission assiduously endeavored to secure such amendment to the books of account kept by the company as would secure the incorporation of a statement of such outstanding liabilities.

The following correspondence between the Commission and the Exposition Company shows the repeated efforts of the Commission to obtain the information essential to the preparation of the monthly reports referred to: 

    OCTOBER 3, 1902.

DEAR SIR:  I am directed by the Commission to refresh your memory as to our conversation yesterday with regard to furnishing a statement of all outstanding liabilities of the Exposition Company.
Section 11 of the act of Congress, approved March 3, 1901, requires the Commission to furnish the President of the United States a summary of the financial condition of the Exposition Company, and this can not be done in a satisfactory manner without a statement of outstanding liabilities under contract, expressed or implied.
It is the desire of the Commission to furnish the President with detailed information of the character indicated, in connection with the report for the current month, to the end that he may have complete data available for consideration in connection with his message to Congress.

    It will greatly oblige the Commission to have the statement
    referred to furnished in duplicate.

    Yours, very truly,

    Hon. D.R.  FRANCIS,
    President Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, City.

    ST. Louis, U.S.A., October 15, 1902.

DEAR SIR:  In reply to your letter of October 3 with respect to a summary of the financial condition of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, I desire to say that the attention of the proper officers of the company has been called to this request of your part, and I may assure you that the desired information will be prepared and furnished at an early date.

    Yours, truly,
    D.R.  FRANCIS,

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.