Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
Every man possessed of a ballot is responsible and has the power not only to formulate, but to criticise and punish as well.  If the right be properly exercised, an honest and efficient administration of our affairs can always be secured.
The greatest solvent for political heresies, for doctrines which are antagonistic to popular government, is education.  To the educated mind there comes a conception of duty which is not possible to the ignorant.

Sixth.  Grand chorus.

Seventh.  Benediction by Rabbi Leon Harrison: 

Unto Thee, Almighty God, the God of Moses, the God of Jesus, the God of Mohammed, and the God of every living creature, God of the church, of the mosque, and of the synagogue, unto Thee we bring homage and praise.
We worship Thee in this temple of labor, reared by faithful hands, and implore Thy benediction on the work, for, unless the Lord blesses the house, the labor is in vain.  May it be dedicated to the enlightenment of humanity that brotherhood may be increased and patriotism deepened.
Bless this august assembly.  Bless this great cause, its tireless leaders, and faithful workers, and above all bless our beloved country, the haven of the oppressed and the home of liberty.  Bless its rulers and its people.
May it go on as from the beginning, from strength to strength, that the nation and the Government may increase in power and in the end be a union of all mankind, all races, all nations, proclaiming one God, one law of righteousness, one humanity, and saying Thy God shall reign from generation to generation.  Amen.

Eighth.  Centennial salute of 100 guns.

A grand display of daylight fireworks took place at the conclusion of the exercises in the building.

Immediately after the close of the ceremonies in the Liberal Arts Building, the governors present proceeded to the building sites selected for their respective States, where corner stones were laid and State colors were raised with appropriate ceremonies.

The lady managers of the exposition were conducted by military escort in advance of the parade each day to the reviewing stand.  They were accompanied by the wives of the members of the Diplomatic Corps, members of the Supreme Court of the United States, members of the Cabinet, members of the Joint Committee of Congress, the Admiral of the Navy, the Lieutenant-General of the Army, the grand marshal, the governors of the States, the officiating clergymen, and members of the National Commission.

Receptions were held each day by the board of lady managers during the progress of the dedication ceremonies.

The magnificence of the spectacle will live long in the memories of the hundreds of thousands of people who witnessed the ceremonies.

All the nations were present by their diplomatic and accredited representatives.

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.