Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
And the governors.  We had governors before ever we had a President.  Each State represents yet a great residuum of power.  In the hands of State are the life and liberty of the people.  We must remember that the governors, representing the unit of the national power, have the first place in national precedence.
There is on the right of me the governor of the great Empire State of the Atlantic.  There is on the left of me the governor of the great Empire State of the Louisiana Purchase.  I need not introduce to you the governor of Missouri, but it is upon the programme, and hence I will say the words—­I beg to introduce Governor A.M.  Dockery, who will now address you.

Third.  Address of welcome by Hon. A.M.  Dockery, governor of Missouri, as follows: 

The pleasing duty devolves upon me of extending a cordial greeting in behalf of the people of Missouri to you as the chief magistrates and representatives of sister States, who come with kindly messages and substantial evidence of the nation’s interest in our stupendous undertaking.  The work already completed and yet to be done could only be accomplished by a people known and respected as the incarnation of intelligent, ennobling enterprise.
The occasion which will bring us together is the precursor of the most marvelous exhibition the world has ever seen.  The wealth, the ingenuity, the forethought, and the ability of all nations will contribute to this magnificent result.  The masterful statesmanship of Thomas Jefferson builded better than even he could know when he purchased from the Emperor Napoleon this vast domain—­the connecting link between the fair country skirting the Atlantic coast, which had only been recently emancipated from despotic rule, and the rich possession on our west, extending to the Pacific Ocean.
The Mississippi River marks the eastern limit of this priceless acquisition.  Sweeping away to the west, the south, and the north, its area of 14 States and Territories embraces great cities, beautiful towns and villages, farms and gardens, mighty waterways, vast railway systems, and a wealth of gold, silver, and other resources which a wise Providence provided for His people.  Can the mind of man conceive a more resplendent territory?  And when it is remembered that the Louisiana Purchase States are only a part of the still more glorious whole, is it any wonder that the American people are proud of their country and true to their Government?
Nature, with regal prodigality, has lavished gifts on this fair land, and its people are especially endowed with those qualifications which can not fail to produce the greatest excellence in everything.
But to return to the coming exposition.  Everywhere during this pageant of entertainment have we seen evidences of the progress of this enterprise so mighty in its conception as to be astounding. 
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.