Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ $150.00 Claude Hough, expense to Washington ....................... 102.00 L.H. Grahame, per diem expense to Washington .............. 72.00 Kinlock Telephone Company, rent telephone one quarter, ending March 31 ......................................... 30.00 Clarence E. Gauss, special service, stenographer .......... 5.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.98 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 ------------- $410.98
Sheppard Knapp & Co., matting for office .................. 22.44 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to New York and return ...... 120.50 Claude Hough, expenses to St. Louis and Chicago ........... 196.00 The Dudley Press company, stationery and supplies ......... 14.26 Geo. W. Read, lettering office door ....................... 2.44 Claude Hough, expenses to Washington and Baltimore ........ 25.50 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 E.H. Gleason, storage and moving office furniture ......... 8.10 New York Telephone Company, rent of telephone and toll service ................................................. 2.20 Littlefield & Alvord Company, freight and drayage office furniture ............................................... 21.63 ------------- 613.07
Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to Washington and return .... 24.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Laurence H. Grahame, expenses to Washington ............... 29.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, letter heads and envelopes ............................................... 97.00 McKnight & Co., translating report from France ............ 16.45 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 3.97 ------------- 370.42
Jones, Caesar & Co., auditing books Exposition Company .... 1,400.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 150.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service, Portland ........ 17.45 Remington Typewriter Company, service, Portland ........... 111.50 Hotel Eaton, Portland, rent meeting rooms ................. 107.85 Pacific Express Company, Portland, express records ........ 60.45 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, rent office April, May, June ............................................... 200.00 Joseph Mahoney, towel service office of Commission ........ 2.50 New York Telephone Company, rent of telephone and tolls ... 12.80