Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M .............................. 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 50.00 W.C. Tyler, expert accountant, auditing accounts .......... 178.75 W.E. Andrews, per diem allowance while auditing ........... 60.00 Jones, Caesar & Co., expert accountants, to May 31 ........ 1,250.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent and long-distance charges .... 14.54 Southern Hotel Company, rent of meeting rooms ............. 17.55 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 25.00 Bell Telephone Company, long-distance charges ............. .75 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Pullman Sleeping-Car Company, accommodations W.E. Andrews . 10.00 Baltimore and Ohio Railway, transportation W.E. Andrews, W.C. Tyler .............................................. 82.50 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 8.29 ------------- 2,012.38 ------------- Total to June 30,1903...................................... 7,995.81
Statement of expenditures of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from July 1, 1903, to June 30, 1904, inclusive.
National Railway Publishing Company, railway guide one Year ................................................ $8.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Lambert-Deacon & Hull, stationery and supplies ............ 17.35 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.73 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott.............................. 50.00 ------------- $367.08
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 2.78 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott.............................. 50.00 ------------- 342.78