Skinner & Kennedy Stationery Company, supplies ............ 3.00 Postal Telegraph Company, service ......................... 1.93 Miss Lulu R. Colvin, stenographer, extra service .......... 5.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 100.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Bell Telephone Company, rent of telephone long distance service ................................................. 34.72 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 10.00 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 7.45 Southern Hotel Company, rent meeting rooms ................ 177.15 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 39.50 ------------- 543.75
St. Louis Express Company, moving office records .......... 2.50 Mermod & Jaccard Company, engraving cards, dedication ..... 37.50 John R. Parson, one large flag ............................ 15.00 The Postal Telegraph Company, service ..................... 1.66 Mesker & Bro., steel flag pole ............................ 63.00 Mook Brothers, painting office of Commission .............. 50.00 Chas. Rippe Tent Company, one streamer for flag pole ...... 15.50 Wm. E. Barclay Printing Company, printing minutes ......... 91.50 Wand Livery Company, carriages furnished dedication ....... 45.00 Steiner Engraving and Badge Company, badges for Commissioners ........................................... 15.00 E.C. Giltner, clerk George W. McBride, six months ......... 100.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 21.70 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 ------------- 823.36
Wand Livery Company, carriages for dedication ............. 90.00 Southern Hotel Company, rent of meeting rooms ............. 358.85 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 125.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ..................... 9.80 Edward M. Gould, city directory ........................... $6.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 10.26 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 J.S. Dunham, clerk P.D. Scott ............................. 50.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 ------------- $814.91