Linze Electrical Supply Company, call bell ................ 2.45 John R. Parson, two silk flags, one 15-foot flag .......... 18.00 Mermod & Jaccard Jewelry Company, stationery .............. 355.00 J. Kennard & Sons Carpet Company, matting and pillow ...... 83.01 Miss Blanch Barth, clerk John F. Miller, six months ....... 50.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 100.00 Jos. A. Carlin, messenger, salary ......................... 40.00 Spalding Stationery Company, stationery and supplies ...... 9.45 Bell Telephone Company, rent and long distance ............ 34.80 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 J.J. Ferguson, to 10 photographs of commissioners, framed.. 110.00 Scarritt-Comstock Furniture Company, office furniture ..... 349.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 5.91 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 ------------- 1,282.62
Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 100.00 Jos. Carlin, messenger, salary ............................ 40.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 Henry O’Flynn, insurance agent, insuring McKinley photograph .............................................. 20.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 25.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 6.60 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 --------------- 316.60
Lambert-Deacon & Hull Printing Company, supplies .......... $20.00 Carroll Purman, clerk John M. Thurston .................... 50.00 J. Kennard & Sons, three Smyrna rugs ...................... 18.90 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 100.00 Eugene Nahler, messenger, salary .......................... 40.00 Miss Margaret McElvain, clerk Thomas H. Carter ............ 50.00 Miss Minnie T. Moran, clerk F.A. Betts .................... 25.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 8.43 Geo. W. Conrad, clerk John F. Miller ...................... 10.00 ------------- $322.32