Imperial Building Company, rent of office ................. 25.00 Joseph Flory, advanced for stamps ......................... 15.00 Woodward & Tiernan Printing Company, envelopes ............ 22.75 Miller & Spalding Stationery Company, stationery .......... 7.80 Joseph Flory, express charges ............................. .55 Gould Directory Company, city directory ................... 7.00 William Corcoran, stenographer, four days at $8.33-1/3 per day ................................................. 33.33 F.A. Burrelle, press clippings ............................ 10.00 St. Louis Toilet Supply Company, towels for office ........ .75 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary, twenty-five days, $75 62.90 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 1.02 -------------- 186.10
Miller & Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ............ .50 William H. Corcoran, stenographer, copying minutes ........ 25.00 Imperial Building Company, rent of office ................. 25.00 St. Louis Toilet Supply Company, towels ................... .75 St. Louis Express Company, moving office furniture ........ 2.50 F.A. Burrelle, press bureau, press clippings .............. 10.00 Claude Hough, official stenographer, salary ............... 75.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 19.55 Do ..................................................... 2.08 -------------- 160.38 ----------- Total to June 30, 1901 ............................... 666.55
Statement of expenditures of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902, inclusive.
Woodward & Tiernan Printing Company, envelopes ............ $6.75 Herring-Hall Marvin Safe Company, one safe ................ 85.00 Scarritt-Comstock Furniture Company, desk ................. 52.00 National Railway Publishing Company, railway guide one year .................................................... 5.00 Miller & Spalding Stationery Company, supplies ............ 5.55 Bell Telephone Company, rent telephone for quarter ........ 22.23 Burrelle Press Bureau, press clippings .................... 10.00 Claude Hough, stenographer, salary ........................ 75.00 Southern Hotel Company, rent of office rooms .............. 100.00 Wilfred A. Simpson, messenger, salary ..................... 30.00 Western Union Telegraph Company, service .................. 7.21 ------------- $398.74