Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
------------------------------- Group 16, Photography |Miss Francis B. Johnston, |Mrs. Charles Ladd, | Washington, D.C. | Portland, Oreg.  Group 17, Publishing and |Mrs. Horace S. Smith, |Miss Bulkley, Hillside, bookbinding. | Chicago, Ill. | Mo.  Group 18, Maps, apparatus for|Mrs. Fannie Hicks Woolwine,|Mrs. M.G.  Scrutchin, geography. | Nashville, Tenn. | Atlanta, Ga. ------------------------------------------------------------


------------------------------- Number and title of group. | Principals. | Alternates. ------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- Group 37, Furniture and |Mrs. Candace Wheeler, New |Mrs. R.A.  Edgerton, household decoration. | York, N.Y. | Berwyn, Ill.  Group 45, Ceramics |Mrs. Isaac Boyd, Atlanta, |Miss Henrietta Ord Jones, | Ga. | New York City.  Group 52, Bleaching and |Miss Madolin Wynn, |Mrs. W.S.  Major, dyeing, etc. | Deerfield, Mass. | Shelbyville, Ind.  Group 53, Equipment and |Mrs. Elisha Dyer, sr., |Mrs. Frederick Nathan, processes used in making | Providence, R.I. | New York City. clothes. | | Group 58, Lace trimming and |Mrs. E.D.  Wood, |Mrs. Noble Prentiss, embroidery. | Indianapolis, Ind. | Leavenworth, Kans.  Group 59, Industries |Miss Margaret Summers, | producing wearing apparel. | Louisville, Ky. | Group 61, Industries |Mrs. F.K.  Bowes, Chicago, |Miss Runley, Clinton, connected with clothing. | Ill. | N.Y. ------------------------------------------------------------


------------------------------- Group 78, Agriculture—­ |Mrs. W.H.  Felton, |Miss Myra Dock, Methods of improving lands. | Cartersville, Ga. | Harrisburg, Pa.  Group 84, Vegetable products |Mrs. Christine Terhune |Mrs. E.W.  Williams, | Herrick, Haworth, N.Y. | Winona, Minn.  Group 88, Bread and pastry |Mrs. F.H.  Pugh, Bellevue, |Mrs. John B. Henderson, | Nebr. | Washington, D.C.  Group 89, Preserved meats, |Mrs. E.L.  Lamb, Jackson, |Mrs. Minnie H. Lawton, fish, vegetables, and fruit.| Miss. | Omaha, Nebr.  Group 90, Sugar and |Miss Carolyn Hempstead, |Mrs. R.P.  Bland, Lebanon, confectionery—­Condiments | Little Rock, Ark. | Mo. and relishes. | | Group 92, Wines and brandies.|Miss Cruse, Helena, Mont. |Mrs. W.C.  Ralston, San | | Francisco, Cal. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.