Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Expositions are a natural and useful factor to women in that by their means new avenues of employment that are constantly being opened to them may be collectively demonstrated, and it can be shown in which of these they may share and excel or be most successful, and statistics may be compiled showing the proportion of wages that women receive for their share of labor performed equivalent to that of men, and other helpful information and facts procured which are not easily ascertained by other means.

The Departments of Machinery, Electricity, Transportation Exhibits, Forestry, Mines and Metallurgy, Fish and Game, and Physical Culture were not given representation by the Exposition Company on the group juries appointed by the board of lady managers, and while it is undoubtedly true that all of these fields have been invaded by women as assistant workers, yet evolution and progress in these lines are necessarily slow where their opportunities have not been commensurate with those of men and more congenial employment is undoubtedly afforded in education, art, liberal arts, manufactures, agriculture, horticulture, anthropology, and social economy.

The “Special Rules and Regulations providing for an International Jury and Governing the System of Making Awards,” as applicable to the board of lady managers, read as follows: 

The total number of jurors in the international jury of awards shall be approximately 2 per cent of the total number of exhibitors, but not in excess of that number, and each nation having fifty exhibitors or more shall be entitled to representation on the jury.  The number of jurors for each art or industry, and for each nationality represented, shall, as far as practicable, be proportional to the number of exhibitors and the importance of the exhibits.

    Of this selected body of international jurors, three graded
    juries will be constituted:  One, the general organization of
    group juries; two, department juries; three, a superior jury.

    Each group jury shall be composed of jurors and alternates.

The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company shall certify to the board of lady managers the numbers of groups in which the exhibits have been produced in whole, or in part, by female labor; to each of the groups so certified the board of lady managers may appoint one juror and one alternate to that juror; such appointees, when confirmed, shall have the privileges and be amenable to the regulations for other jurors and alternates.
Nominations made by chiefs of departments, and by the board of lady managers, shall be submitted to the director of exhibits, and when approved he shall submit them to the president of the Exposition Company.
The nomination of group jurors and alternates, when approved by the president of the exposition, shall be transmitted to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission for the approval of that body.

    The work of the group juries shall begin September 1, 1904, and
    shall be completed not later than twenty days thereafter.

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.