Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
be assigned to them in any well-regulated government, and upon the broadest scale, their province being that of national hostesses, their privilege to extend a generous and far-reaching hospitality to all official dignitaries from home and abroad who visited the exposition.

    Among the social events occurring at the building of the board
    of lady managers, the following is a list of the more prominent
    ones held during the exposition period: 

Dinner to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission, April 30; reception tendered to Mrs. Francis, wife of the president of the Exposition Company, May 9; reception to officers of Army and Navy, present in and around St. Louis at that time, May 18; luncheon to General Federation of Women’s Clubs, May 19; luncheon to Miss Roosevelt, May 31; tea to Musical Federation, June 2; dinner to Prince Pu Lun, the official representative to the exposition of the Empress An of China, June 10; reception to foreign representatives at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, June 17; reception to P.E.O.’s, June 18; reception to governors, and State and Territorial commissioners at the exposition, June 24; dinner to Governor Odell, of New York, and Mrs. Odell, June 28; visit of Cardinal Satolli, July 1; reception to Mrs. Charles Mercer Hall, July 12; reception to Civic Federation, July 12; reception to members of Interparliamentary Union, at which time the building was draped with the flags of all nations, and the national airs of the different countries represented were played by the orchestra, September 12; reception to Mrs. Sarah S. Platt Decker, president of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, September 19; reception to members of the Congress of Arts and Sciences, September 20; reception to members of the American Bar Association and Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, September 30; reception to the president, Mrs. Augustine Smythe, and officers and members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, October 7; reception to the president, Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, and officers and members of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, October 11; reception to the governor of Connecticut and his staff, October 13; tea to hostesses of State and Territorial buildings, October 14; reception to the president, Mrs. Herbert Claiborne, and members National Society Colonial Dames of America, October 20; an informal dance, October 25; reception to meet the president and members of the Wednesday Club, of St. Louis, October 29; reception to meet the members of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, November 3; reception to meet the president and members of the Woman’s Club of St. Louis, November 7; informal dance, November 9; dinner to President Francis, November 12; reception to Forest Park University students, November 14; informal dance, November 18; reception to Prince Fushimi, the official representative to the exposition of the Mikado of Japan, November 22; dinner to Jefferson
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.