Furniture, china, linen, expressage ...... $752.32 $652.25 $11,692.65 Tinting walls, plumbing, staining floors, heating apparatus, electric wiring, awnings, screens, partitions, etc. ....... 1,460.99 64.30 2,263.32
Total ................ 2,213.31 716.55 13,955.97
Total paid by Exposition Company ............ $2,213.31 Total paid from $3,000 appropriation ........ 716.55 Total paid from $100,000 appropriation ...... 13,955.97 ----------
Total amount expended for house furnishing .. 16,885.93
It was the earnest wish of some of the members of the board, at a very early period of its existence, to establish and maintain, if possible, a day nursery or creche on the exposition grounds, in order that suitable provision might be made for children whose parents might wish to have them cared for during the day, and thus afford to those whose time and means were extremely limited an opportunity to see as much of the exposition in as brief a space as possible. Ways and means were frequently discussed, but the absence of funds and the uncertainty of the action of the company in regard to substantial aid were sources of much anxiety and delay. Estimates were obtained of cost of building, however, plans were drawn ready for work to be begun the first practicable moment, and all information as to best methods and equipment was secured, in order that no time might be lost should it later be found possible to proceed with the enterprise. The idea was viewed with much favor by both the president of the Exposition Company and the director of exhibits, and it was hoped the Exposition Company would regard this as one of the “suggestions” from the board which President Francis had said the executive committee would “take under serious consideration,” but on the 15th of August, 1903, President Francis wrote to the president, Mrs. Blair:
My idea is that we should not permit any one State to have charge of these day nurseries. I think the board of lady managers should have entire charge, and hope they will be able to raise the money without making inroads on the treasury of the Exposition Company.
Subsequently, however, the Exposition Company agreed to appropriate $35,000 for the purpose of erecting the building, but later granted a concession for a similar enterprise on the grounds. When the board eventually obtained its appropriation of $100,000 it was thought that the work might be begun immediately, but as some misunderstanding had arisen in the minds of the members as to the terms of the original proposition of the one who was to conduct the creche for the board, upon close investigation it was found that, whereas in the first place it had been represented that the creche would be self-sustaining, it now became evident that the plan had grown beyond all anticipated or intended proportion, and that instead of being self-supporting the board would be called upon for unlimited and unreasonable outlay.