Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we devoutly thank and worship Thee, the Author of our being, and the gracious source of all our blessings.  We are because Thou art; and Thou hast made us in Thy image capable of fellowship with Thee and delighting in a fellowship with one another as we resemble Thee.  Thou hast given us our reason and the power of cooperation with one another in all worthy ends looking to the well-being of our race.  Civilization with its conquests over the material world is possible only with Thy aid.  Christianity with its conquests over evil is the work of God and man, as Thou dost call us to be Thy fellow-workers and dost inspire us with courage and faith.
This wonderful achievement of human effort and skill which we dedicate this day is possible only by Thy help and as we have imitated Thy example.  Thou art the great Architect and Builder.  Thou art the great Mathematician and Engineer.  Thou art the great Chemist and Electrician.  Thou art the great Thinker and Artist.  Our works are but pale and feeble copies of Thine, and are possible only because Thou workest until now and dost bless our works.  The uniformity of Thy laws bids us work in confidence, and the unity of nature bids us work intelligently, because we work with Thee.  We praise Thee for thy growing confidence in man, as Thou dost place in his hand the keys of every laboratory and dost trust him with the secrets of nature that have been hid from the foundation of the world.  Again Thou dost give man dominion, whether in science, or art, or government, nor wilt Thou remove his scepter if he wield it for the betterment of his kind and for Thy glory.  As the high priest and interpreter of nature may he prove worthy of his great trust.
We thank Thee for this great exposition, whose stately and noble exterior gives promise of being the home of a mighty spirit of worldwide fellowship of the nations.  It is not only another milestone of progress, it is a timekeeper of civilization.  We thank Thee for the pioneers and the prophets, the statesmen and the patriots who secured for us this great inheritance, and for their sons who have cultivated and developed it.  Help us that we may realize the high ideals of our fathers who sought to establish and maintain good and righteous government, and to reap the harvests of patient industry.  May no evil occurrence mar the happiness and good will which we invoke for the council of nations which shall here be held.  May the commerce of ideas no less than of products be borne by favoring tides around the globe.  To this end we implore Thy blessings upon the rulers of the nations of the earth which may be presented here.  Grant peace in our time, O Lord, and may the victories of peace abound.
And now, O Lord, our God, we dedicate to Thee and to the welfare of our common humanity these buildings and grounds which Thy providence has made possible.  Bless with Thy presence and favor this great festival of the nations that it may help to make stronger the bonds of human brotherhood in all the world.  And all this we ask in the name of Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Tenth.  Benediction by Right Rev. Henry C. Potter: 

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.