Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

The announcement of the death on February 27, 1903, of Mrs. Washington A. Roebling, the member of the board from New Jersey, was read and received with regret, and a committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions, to be spread upon the minutes of the board.

On that day the following rules and regulations were adopted by the board, a copy being submitted to the National Commission and subsequently approved by that body on April 29, 1903, and by the Exposition Company January 12, 1904.

    Rules and Regulations.

No. 1. Meetings.—­All the meetings of the board shall be held in the city of St. Louis.  The regular meetings shall be held at such times as may be designated by a majority vote of the board.  Special meetings shall be subject to call of the president of the board, the president of the National Commission, or written request of five members of the board.  The president shall convene the board in accordance with the terms of the request.

    No. 2. Officers.—­The officers of the board shall consist of a
    president, eight vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer.

No. 3. Duties of officers.—­The president shall preside at all meetings of the board and shall sign all requisitions for funds to be advanced to the treasurer, and examine and approve all accounts to be paid by the treasurer.

    No. 4. Duties of vice-presidents.—­In the absence of the
    president the vice-presidents shall preside alternately from
    session to session, in the order of their official designation.

No. 5. Duties of secretary.—­The secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the board, and shall attend to the giving or serving of all notices of meetings.  She shall conduct the official correspondence of the board of lady managers, and shall perform such other duties as the board may assign to her.  She shall notify all committees of their appointments, and also the work assigned to them.  Previous to each meeting she shall make out an order of business for the chair, and also a list of standing and special committees.  She shall make her headquarters in the city of St. Louis.
No. 6. Duties of treasurer.—­The treasurer shall have the care and custody of all funds coming into the possession of the board, and shall disburse the same only upon order of the board and the approval of its president.  At each regular meeting of the board she shall render an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements from the date of the last report, and shall whenever directed by the board deposit the unexpended balance with the treasurer of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.

    No. 7. Quorum.—­Nine members of the board shall constitute a
    quorum for the transaction of business.

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.