Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
to push this woman’s work anywhere.  In regard to a building, say what you want; submit your plans to this Commission; place your wants in the form of a resolution to be approved by the Commission and the local company; the approval will carry with it the expense.  We will regard any expenditure which you may make as “legitimate exposition work”—­commissioners to go abroad, or whatever it may be.
There is a large amount of money available for this exposition.  It has been handled with the utmost care, skill, and excessive prudence by the company, but that shows merely a good, sound economical management; however, there is ample means, means that will unquestionably apply to meet every want.

At the session on November 20 the committee named to prepare resolutions to be presented through the National Commission to the Exposition Company offered the following, which were adopted, and copies forwarded to the Commission and company: 

First.  The board of lady managers respectfully call the attention of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to the act approved March 3, 1901, under which act this board has the power to appoint one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as may have been produced in whole or in part by women.  The board of lady managers decline to accept the amendment of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to this act of Congress expressed in a resolution of the executive committee of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, as follows:  “To nominate one member of all committees authorized to award prizes for such exhibits as shall have been produced in whole or in part by female labor.”

    Second.  The board protests against the appointment, without its
    authority, of any representative at home or abroad connected
    with work for which this board is responsible.

Third.  That the board of lady managers select, with the approval of the local company, two of its members to awaken interest in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company among women in other countries.
Fourth.  That the president of this board be authorized, at her discretion, to appoint committees to visit each State to enlist the cooperation of the women in securing the proper representation of woman’s work at the exposition in St. Louis; and in furtherance that the governor of each State be formally requested to name two women on the State commission.
Fifth.  That the local company be requested to appropriate $50,000 for the erection of a woman’s building on the fair grounds to be used after the close of the exposition as a hall of philanthropy.
Sixth.  The board of lady managers request the directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to provide money to meet the current expenses of this board.  They are further requested to notify this board in writing of the
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.