Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

At the session held on the 19th of November a motion was made and carried that there should be an eighth vice-president, and Mrs. Daniel Manning was elected to fill that office.

President Carter, of the National Commission, was invited to be present at this meeting, and again emphasized his views in regard to the prerogatives of the members of the board in performance of the duties which might be assigned them.  He also spoke as follows: 

With the power comes the responsibility.  This exposition, if the general tone of business continues, ought to be, in the matter of attendance and universal interest, a pronounced success.  The matter of interesting the world, securing attendance, securing exhibits, attracting the attention of different classes of people, would insure success.  The law of Congress is pretty thoroughly considered.  It was pretty thoroughly debated in the House of Representatives particularly.  No part of the law was more thoroughly considered than this part, which contemplated the interesting of the women of the world in the exposition about to be given.
Determine at the earliest day practicable what the view of this board is as to what part women are to take in the exposition.  That subject can not be too promptly considered or decided upon.  You are to plan the scope of women’s work in this exposition.  Give the representation of women’s work in this exposition a national or international character.  If of an international character, will this board undertake to select the people who are to go abroad to represent the women of this country in appealing to the women of other countries? * * * It is a matter of supreme consequence that the women of the country shall be represented in a manner that will be approved by themselves at least. * * * I think it rests with you to formulate plan and scope, and transmit that formulated plan and scope to this Commission, to be approved by the Commission and approved by the local company, as a part of the programme of this exposition.  It was the intention when this board was appointed to get together a body of representative women from all over the United States, and that this body when assembled would become a directing force along general lines.  In the matter of women’s work there is no limit.  You exercise “general supervisory control.”  I would say that, in pursuance of authority granted the board of lady managers, that this board adopt resolutions stating that no woman shall be appointed to represent the exposition by either the National Commission or the local company until the name of such representative shall have been submitted to and ratified by this board of lady managers.  You will find in talking with this company a keen anxiety to quickly adopt any suggestions that will bring about success in any line.  Claim whatever you think in the form of a rule, assert your right to approve or confirm if you please everyone appointed
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.