Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
I have only come to say, ladies, that if we can be of any assistance to you we shall be more than glad to render that assistance.  If you have any suggestions to make us, we shall be pleased to receive them and consider them by prejudging them in your favor.  I do not know what your plans are, but I wish to say that if you desire permanent quarters, we will be very glad to provide them in the Administration Building.  That might be a little inconvenient, perhaps, but we have all of our own offices there, and have all the accommodations one can require.  I do not know if you propose to have a permanent secretary and establish headquarters here or not.  I take it for granted that you are familiar with the provisions of the law.  Of course, you know that the board is nominated by the National Commission, of which Senator Carter is president.  All of the nominations that have been made by the National Commission have been confirmed.  I believe the membership of your board is limited to twenty-one.  I have heard of the organization of that body.  I wish to say, that we think we have made adequate, if not liberal, provision for the expense of the board in this way:  We have decided to tender you ladies, subject, of course, to your amendment, after first acknowledging your generosity, we have decided to say to you that we will allow you 5 cents per mile mileage from your homes to St. Louis, and 5 cents per mile back to your homes, or to your New York meetings, and in addition to that $6 per day for subsistence during the time you are in attendance at such meetings.  If you do not think that sufficient, we are open to suggestions from you.
During your stay in cities where meetings will be held you are allowed $6 per day subsistence, whether you choose to expend that or not; if you do not think $6 per day sufficient, make a suggestion accordingly.
In regard to your duties, the law prescribed those.  I suppose the report which was made by the Commission to the local company and approved by the local company, has been forwarded to the board.  You know that you have the right to appoint one member to every jury of awards that passes upon work wholly or partly made by women.  I do not know what provision the law makes, if any, for your duties, but this exposition, comprehensive as its scope may be, can not be a success without the hearty cooperation of the ladies, and that is what we wish.
I do not know what plans you have about a Woman’s Building.  I wish to say that any suggestions you have to make us we will take under serious consideration.  A great deal has been said about permanent structures.  We have no objections to permanent structures, we rather court them, provided always some means are furnished for the maintenance of those buildings after the exposition is over.  There is another condition that must be observed, and that is in regard to the permission of the city for these
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.