Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
The Universal Exposition of 1904, when the date of opening rolls around one year from to-day, will, with its buildings completed, its exhibits installed, be thoroughly prepared to receive the millions of visitors who will enter its gates.  The distinguished assemblage which honors us with its presence to-day can come nearer forming an adequate conception of the scope of the work by personal inspection than through the writings or illustrations of authors and designers, however great their talent may be.
To the President of the United States, to the accomplished representatives of foreign countries, to the chief executives of the sovereign States, to the Senators and Representatives of the National Congress, to the great concourse of visitors here congregated, we extend greeting.  If you are pleased with what has been accomplished, your approval is abundant reward for the labor we have performed.
We bear in mind and trust you do not overlook that this celebration is of no section, but of the entire country.  It is our hope and our expectation that every section and every commonwealth, and in fact, every community, will cherish a proprietary interest and lend hopeful aid to this undertaking, to the end that it may prove as nearly as may be commensurate with the country and the century whose achievement and advancement it is designed to commemorate.

    The beautiful picture whose outlines you now behold will, to
    adopt the simile of the chief designer, when completed, compose
    a song that will reverberate around the globe.

And now, Mr. President, it is my pleasing privilege and high honor to present to you for dedication the buildings of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.  May a high standard of citizenship and broader humanity and the mission of the country whose worthy representative you are be sustained and fostered and promoted by the uses to which these structures are devoted.  May the happiness of mankind be advanced and broadened by the lofty purposes that inspired this undertaking and moved our own and sister countries to unite in its accomplishment.

Fifth.  Dedication address by the President of the United States: 

MR. PRESIDENT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:  At the outset of my address let me recall to the minds of my hearers that the soil upon which we stand, before it was ours was successively the possession of two mighty empires—­Spain and France—­whose sons made a deathless record of heroism in the early annals of the New World.
No history of the Western country can be written without paying heed to the wonderful part played therein in the early days by the soldiers, missionaries, explorers, and traders who did their work for the honor of the proud banners of France and Castile.
While the settlers of English-speaking stock and those of Dutch, German, and Scandinavian
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.