Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
SECTION I. An official catalogue of all exhibits will be published in English by the Exposition Company.  Foreign governments and the governments of the States, Territories, and Districts of the United States, making a collective exhibit, may publish separate catalogues of their own exhibits when recommended by the director of exhibits to the president and approved by him.

    SEC.  II.  The sale of catalogues is reserved exclusively by the
    Exposition Company.


    SECTION I. The Exposition Company will organize, equip, and
    maintain an efficient police system for the protection of
    property and the preservation of peace and good order.

SEC.  II.  The exposition will maintain a corps of janitors and scavengers, whose duty it will be to properly care for and clean the roadways, approaches, paths, etc., in general of the exposition and the aisles within the exhibit buildings; but their duties and responsibilities will not extend to exhibit spaces, to the subsidiary aisles, or to the buildings of foreign or domestic governments or individuals.
SEC.  III.  Exhibitors may employ watchmen and janitors of their choice to guard and care for their material during the hours the exposition is open to the public.  Such watchmen will be subject to the rules and regulations governing employees of the exposition; but no exhibitor will be permitted to employ attendants for service of this character except upon the written consent of the chief of the department, approved by the director of exhibits.
SEC.  IV.  Each country, commission, organization, corporation and individual, by becoming an exhibitor, agrees to conform to all the rules and regulations established for the government and conduct of the exposition.



SECTION I The system of awards will be competitive.  The merit of exhibits as determined by the jury of awards will be manifested by the issuance of diplomas, which will be divided into four classes; a grand prize, a gold medal, a silver medal, and a bronze medal.
SEC.  II.  No exhibit can be excluded from competition for award without the consent of the president of the Exposition Company, after a review of the reasons or motives by competent authorities hereafter to be provided.
SEC.  III.  In a fixed ratio to the number of exhibits, but reserving to the citizens of the United States approximately 60 per cent of the jury membership, the construction of the international jury will be based upon a predetermined number of judges allotted to each group of the classification and upon the number and importance of the exhibits in such group.
SEC.  IV.  A chairman of the group jury will be elected by his colleagues in each group, this chairman to become, by right of his
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.