Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
upon such articles by the revenue laws in force at the date of the importation, and all penalties prescribed by the laws of the United States will be applied and enforced against such articles and against the person who may be guilty of any illegal sale or withdrawal.
SEC.  III.  Such arrangements will be made with the Government of the United States as will permit the transportation of foreign exhibits in bond direct to the exposition grounds, which will be designated as a United States bonded warehouse.


SECTION I. While the Exposition Company will provide every, possible protection for exhibits and for the property of exhibitors, it will not be responsible in any case for loss by fire, accident, vandalism, or theft, through which objects placed upon exhibition may suffer, whatever may be the cause or the amount of the damage.
SEC.  II.  Any object or article of a dangerous or detrimental character, or that is incompatible with the object or decorum of the exposition or the comfort or safety of the public, will be refused admission to the grounds or removed from any building or any part of the grounds upon the recommendation of the director of exhibits, approved by the president.
SEC.  III.  Articles that are in any way dangerous or offensive, also patent medicines, nostrums, and empirical preparations whose ingredients are concealed, will not be admitted to the exposition.  The director of exhibits, with the approval of the president, has the authority to order the removal of any article he may consider dangerous, detrimental to, or incompatible with the object or decorum of the exposition or the comfort and safety of the public.
SEC.  IV.  The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company will carry no insurance on exhibits, but favorable terms will be secured by the Exposition Company under which exhibitors may insure their own goods in responsible companies.


SECTION I. Advertisement by means of posters, prints, handbills, etc., will not be permitted within the exposition grounds except upon the recommendation of the proper authorities, approved by the president of the Exposition Company, and then to a restricted degree only.
SEC.  II.  Exhibitors’ business cards and brief descriptive circulars only may be conveniently placed within such exhibition space for distribution; but the right is reserved to the chief of the department, upon the approval of the director of exhibits, to restrict or discontinue this privilege whenever it is carried to excess or becomes an annoyance.


    SECTION I. Exhibitors will be held responsible for the
    cleanliness of their exhibits and the space surrounding same.

Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.