Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.

Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 869 pages of information about Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission.
to serve as jurors of awards, the Commission addressed you a letter under date of May 18, 1904, reading as follows: 
“SIR:  Inasmuch as objections may be urged to the appointment of certain persons upon juries of awards, it is the intention of the National Commission to give public notice, allowing reasonable time for the filing of any objections that may be offered to the appointment of any individual on a jury.  As this proceeding will necessarily consume time, it is desirable that the names of persons proposed for the respective juries be transmitted to the Commission from time to time, as the respective groups are completed by the company.  It is believed that final action can be reached in a more orderly and satisfactory manner by taking up the names proposed for each jury separately rather than to have the entire membership of all the juries submitted for consideration simultaneously.

    Yours, very respectfully,


Our files do not show any recognition of this communication by your company.  A short time thereafter the Commission was unofficially advised that certain jurors had been selected by the company and were actually exercising the functions of judges and examiners without notice to or approval by the Commission, and on the 23d of May, 1905, this fact was duly called to your attention by letter.  Some time later the director of exhibits appeared before the Commission and admitted that certain examiners and jurors had been selected, without reference to the Commission, to pass upon exhibits of a perishable character.  In three communications, each bearing the date of June 3, 1904, you transmitted the names of the jurors referred to, and in the light of the explanations made by the director of exhibits and in your communications, the Commission, with many misgivings as to the regularity of the proceedings and solely to avoid embarrassment to the exhibitors and to the company, approved the names submitted as of the date of their selection by the company.
Aside from the few jurors thus irregularly selected for emergency work, no jurors were nominated or submitted to the Commission as required by the rules and regulations prior to August 1.
The first list of group jurors was transmitted in your communication bearing date of August 10, delivered to the Commission about August 15, and the last list was transmitted to this Commission on October 27.

    The respective dates of your letter transmitting nominations of
    group jurors and the respective dates of the receipt of the same
    by the Commission are as follows: 

-- | | | Date of | Date same | letters of | letters | Exposition | received | Company. | by National | | Commission. ------------------------------|------------|-------------
Project Gutenberg
Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.