An approved Medicine for the Gout in the feet.
Take an Oxes paunch new killed, and warm out of the belly, about the latter end of May, or beginning of June, make two holes therein, and put in your feet, and lay store of warm cloaths about it, to keep it warm so long as can be. Use this three or four dayes together, for three weeks or a moneth, whether you have the fit or paine of the Gout, at that time or no, so you have had it at any time before. This hath cured divers persons, that they have never been troubled with it againe.
For one that cannot make water.
Take the white strings of Filmy roots, of Primroses wash them very clean, and boyle of them halfe a handfull, in a pint of Beer or White-wine, till halfe be consumed, then straine it through a clean cloath, and drink thereof a quarter of a pint, somewhat warme, morning and evening, for three dayes, it will purge away all viscous or obstructions stopping the passage of the water, probatum.
To kill the Ring worme, and heat thereof.
Take a quart of White wine vineger, boyle therein of Woodbine leaves, Sage, and Plantaine of each one handfull, of white Coperas, one pound, of Allum as much as an Egge; when it is boyled to halfe a pint, straine out the liquor, and therewith wash the soare as hard as you can suffer it.
To make a Water for all Wounds and Cankers.
Take a handfull of red Sage leaves, a handfull of Selandine, as much Woodbine leaves, then take a gallon of Conduict water, and put the hearbs in it, and let them boyle to a pottell, and then strayning the Hearbs through a strainer, take the liquor and set it over the fire againe, and take a pint of English Honey, a good handfull of Roche Allum, as much of white Copperas tinne beaten, a penny worth of Graines bruised, and let them boyle all together three or four warms, and then let the scum be taken off with a feather, and when it is cold put it in an earthen pot or bottell, so as it may be kept close; and for an old Wound take of the thinnest, and for a green Wound, of the thickest, and having dressed them with this Water, cover the soare either with Veale, or Mutton, and skin it with Dock leaves.
For a Swelling that cometh suddenly in mans Limbs.
Take Harts tongue, Cherfoyle, and cut them small, and then take dreggs of Ale, and Wheat Branne, and Sheeps tallow molten, and doe all in a pot, and seeth them till they be thick, and then make a Plaister, and lay it to the swelling.
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Of Apricocks.
To dry Apricocks.