A Book of Fruits and Flowers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about A Book of Fruits and Flowers.

A Book of Fruits and Flowers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about A Book of Fruits and Flowers.

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Of Hartichoakes.

How to make a Hartichoake Pye.

Boyle your Hartichoakes, take off all the leaves, pull out all the strings, leaving only the bottoms, then season them with Cinamon and Sugar, laying between every Hartichoake a good piece of Butter; and when you put your Pye into the Oven, stick the Hartichoakes with slices of Dates, and put a quarter of a pint of White-wine into the Pye, and when you take it out of the Oven, doe the like againe, with some butter, and sugar, and Rose-water, melting the butter upon some coales, before you put it into the Pye.

To keep Hartichoakes for all the yeare.

The fittest time is about Michaelmas, and then according to the proportion of Hartichoakes you will keep, seeth a quantity of water in a pot or pan, seasoning it so with white salt that it may have a reasonable tast, then put a fit quantity of white salt into the water, and boyle them together, and scum them well; then put a good quantity of good Vineger to them, to make the liquor somewhat sharp, and boyle it again, then parboyle your Hartichoakes that you mind to keep, in another liquor, take them out of it, and let them coole, then set your first liquor againe on the fire to boyle, and scumming it throughly, let it coole againe; when it is throughly cold, put it up in some firkin, or large earthen pot, and put in your Hartichoakes to them handsomely, for bruising them; then cover them close from the aire, and so keep them to spend at your pleasure.

To Preserve Hartichoakes.

Heat water scalding hot first, then put in your Hartichoakes and scald them, and take away all the bottomes, and leaves about them, then take Rose water and Sugar and boyle them alone a little while, then put the Hartichoakes therein, and let them boyle on a soft fire till they be tender enough, let them be covered all the time they boyle, then take them out and put them up for your use.

To make a maid dish of Hartechoakes.

Take your Hartichoakes and pare away all the top, even to the Meat, and boyle them in sweet Broth till they be somewhat tender, then take them oat, and put them in a dish, and seeth them with Pepper, Cinamon, and Ginger, then put them in the dish you mean to bake them in and put in marrow to them good store, and so let them bake, and when they be baked, put in a little Vineger and Butter, and stick three or four leaves of the Hartichoakes in the dish when you serve them up, and scrape Sugar upon the dish.


An Excellent Medicine or Salve for an Ache coming of cold, easie to be made by any Countrey Housewife.

Take of good Neats-foot Oyle, Honey, and new Wax, like quantities, boyle them all well together, then put to them a quarter so much of Aqua vitae as was of each of the other, and then setting it on the fire, boyle it till it be well incorporated together, then spread it upon a piece of thin Leather, or thick linnen cloath, and so apply it to the place pained.

Project Gutenberg
A Book of Fruits and Flowers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.