History of his life not completed at his death—Thrilling effect of the tragedy of Ilala—Livingstone’s influence on the slave-trade—His letters from Manyuema—Sir Bartle Frere’s mission to Zanzibar—Successful efforts of Dr. Kirk with Sultan of Zanzibar—The land route—The sea route—Slave-trade declared illegal—Egypt—The Soudan—Colonel Gordon—Conventions with Turkey—King Mtesa of Uganda—Nyassa district—Introduction of lawful commerce—Various commercial enterprises in progress—Influence of Livingstone on exploration—Enterprise of newspapers—Exploring undertakings of various nations—Livingstone’s personal service to science—His hard work in science the cause of respect—His influence on missionary enterprise—Livingstonia—Dr. Stewart—Mr. E.D. Young—Blantyre—The Universities Mission under Bishop Steere—Its return to the mainland and to Nyassa district—Church Missionary Society at Nyanza—London Missionary Society at Tanganyika—French, Inland, Baptist, and American missions—Medical missions—The Fisk Livingstone hall—Livingstone’s great legacy to Africa, a spotless Christian name and character—Honors of the future.
I. Extracts from paper on “Missionary Sacrifices”.
II. Treatment of African Fever.
III. Letter to Dr. Tidman, as to future operations.
IV. Lord Clarendon’s Letter to Sekeletu.
V. Public Honors awarded to Dr. Livingstone.
A.D. 1813-1836.
Ulva—The Livingstones—Traditions of Ulva life—The “baughting-time”—“Kirsty’s Rock”—Removal of Livingstone’s grandfather to Blantyre—Highland blood—Neil Livingstone—His marriage to Agnes Hunter—Her grandfather and father—Monument to Neil and Agnes Livingstone in Hamilton Cemetery—David Livingstone, born 19th March, 1813—Boyhood—At home—In school—David goes into Blantyre Mill—First Earnings—Night-school—His habits of reading—Natural-history expeditions—Great spiritual change in his twentieth year—Dick’s Philosophy of a Future State—He resolves to be a missionary—Influence of occupation at Blantyre—Sympathy with the people—Thomas Burk and David Hogg—Practical character of his religion.
The family of David Livingstone sprang, as he has himself recorded, from the island of Ulva, on the west coast of Mull, in Argyllshire. Ulva, “the island of wolves,” is of the same group as Staffa, and, like it, remarkable for its basaltic columns, which, according to MacCulloch, are more deserving of admiration than those of the Giant’s Causeway, and have missed being famous only from being eclipsed by the greater glory of Staffa. The island belonged for many generations to the Macquaires, a name distinguished in our home annals, as well as in those of Australia.