1857. Freedom of city of London, in box of value of fifty guineas, As a testimonial in recognition of his zealous and ¸persevering exertions in the important discoveries he has made in Africa, by which geographical, geological, and their kindred sciences have been advanced; facts ascertained that may extend the trade and commerce of this country, and hereafter secure to the native tribes of the vast African continent the blessings of knowledge and civilization.
1857. Freedom of city of Glasgow, presented in testimony of admiration of his undaunted intrepidity and fortitude: amid difficulties, privations, and dangers, during a period of many years, while traversing an extensive region in the interior of Africa, hitherto unexplored by Europeans, and of appreciation of the importance of his services, extending to the fostering of commerce, the advancement of civilization, and the diffusion of Christianity among heathen nations.
1857. Freedom of city of Edinburgh, of Dundee, and many other towns.
1857. Corresponding Member of American Geographical and Statistical Society, New York.
1857. Corresponding Member of Royal Geographical Society of London.
1857. Corresponding Member of Geographical Society of Paris.
1857. Corresponding Member of the K.K. Geographical Society of Vienna.
1857. The Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow “elect that worthy, eminent, and learned Surgeon and Naturalist, David Livingstone, LL.D., to be an Honorary Fellow,”
1857. Medal awarded by the Universal Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Industry.
1857. University of Oxford confer degree of D.C.L.
1857. Elected F.R.S.
1858. Appointed Commander of Zambesi Expedition and her Majesty’s Consul at Tette, Quilimane, and Senna.
1872. Gold Medal awarded by Italian Geographical Society.
1874. A memoir of Livingstone having been read by the Secretary at a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society cordially recognizing his merit, the whole assembly—a very large one—by rising, paid a last tribute of respect to his memory.—Lancet, 7th March, 1874.
Any omissions in this list notified to the author will be supplied in future editions.
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