“29_th July_.—Called on Mr. Gladstone; he was very affable—spoke about the Mission, and asked if I had told Lord Russell about it.... Visited Lady Franklin and Miss Cracroft, her niece.... Dined with Lord and Lady Palmerston, Lady Shaftesbury, and Lady Victoria Ashley, the Portuguese Minister, Count d’Azeglio (Sardinian Minister), Mr. Calcraft—a very agreeable party. Mr. Calcraft and I walked home after retiring. He is cousin to Colonel Steele; the colonel has gone abroad with his daughter, who is delicate.”
31st July, 1864.—Came down by the morning
to Harburn, and met
my old friend Mr. Young, who took me to
Limefield, and introduced
me to a nice family.”
Dr. Livingstone’s relation to Mr. Young’s family was very close and cordial. Hardly one of the many notes and letters he wrote to his friend fails to send greetings to “Ma-James,” as he liked to call Mrs. Young, after the African fashion. It is not only the playful ease of his letters that shows how much he felt at home with Mr. Young,—the same thing appears from the frequency with which he sought his counsel in matters of business, and the value which he set upon it.
“Sunday, 1st
August.—Went-to the U.P. church, and
excellent sermons.
Was colder this time than on my former
visit to Scotland.
“2d August.—Reached Hamilton. Mother did not know me at first. Anna Mary, a nice sprightly child, told me that she preferred Garibaldi buttons on her dress, as I walked down to Dr. Loudon to thank him for his kindness to my mother.
“3d August.—Agnes, Oswell, and Thomas came. I did not recognize Tom, he has grown so much. Has been poorly a long