Droll Stories — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Droll Stories — Complete.

Droll Stories — Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Droll Stories — Complete.

“’Ah! said he; ’God has punished me for not going to vespers at Church.’

“And he began to excuse himself as best he could, saying, that the wine had muddled his understanding, and getting into his own bed he kept repeating to his good wife, that for his best cow he would not have had this sin upon his conscience.

“‘My dear’, said she, ’go and confess the first thing tomorrow morning, and let us say no more about it.’

“The good man trotted to confessional, and related his case with all humility to the rector of the parish, who was a good old priest, capable of being up above, the slipper of the holy foot.

“‘An error is not a sin,’ said he to the penitent.  ’You will fast tomorrow, and be absolved.’

“‘Fast!—­with pleasure,’ said the good man.  ’That does not mean go without drink.’

“‘Oh!’ replied the rector, ’you must drink water, and eat nothing but a quarter of a loaf and an apple.’

“Then the good man, who had no confidence in his memory, went home, repeating to himself the penance ordered.  But having loyally commenced with a quarter of a loaf and an apple, he arrived at home, saying, a quarter of apples, and a loaf.

“Then, to purify his soul, he set about accomplishing his fast, and his good woman having given him a loaf from the safe, and unhooked a string of apples from the beam, he set sorrowfully to work.  As he heaved a sigh on taking the last mouthful of bread hardly knowing where to put it, for he was full to the chin, his wife remonstrated with him, that God did not desire the death of a sinner, and that for lack of putting a crust of bread in his belly, he would not be reproached for having put things in their wrong places.

“‘Hold your tongue, wife!’ said he.  ‘If it chokes me, I must fast.’”

“I’ve payed my share, it’s your turn, Viscount,” added he of Anjou, giving the Picardian a knowing wink.

“The goblets are empty.  Hi, there!  More wine.”

“Let us drink,” cried the Picardian.  “Moist stories slip out easier.”

At the same time he tossed off a glassful without leaving a drop at the bottom, and after a preliminary little cough, he related the following:—­

“You must know that the maids of Picardy, before setting up housekeeping, are accustomed honestly to gain their linen, vessels, and chests; in short, all the needed household utensils.  To accomplish this, they go into service in Peronne, Abbeville, Amiens, and other towns, where they are tire-women, wash up glasses, clean plates, fold linen, and carry up the dinner, or anything that there is to be carried.  They are all married as soon as they possess something else besides that which they naturally bring to their husbands.  These women are the best housewives, because they understand the business and everything else thoroughly.  One belonging to Azonville, which is the land of which I am lord by inheritance, having

Project Gutenberg
Droll Stories — Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.