The Dollar Hen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about The Dollar Hen.

The Dollar Hen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about The Dollar Hen.
June 15.5 June 32.  July 15.6 July 35.  August 17.7 August 38.  September 20.7 September 40.  October 21.4 October 42.  November 26.0 November 45.  December 27.7 December 48.

The total values figured by multiplying these prices by the New York receipts, are as follows: 

Amount actually received                  $23,832,000
Values at quotations for strictly fresh    44,730,000

No one would contend it is possible to bring the entire egg crop of the country up to the latter value, but the fact that there is a definite market for eggs of first class quality at almost double the figures for which the egg crop as a whole is actually sold, is a point very significant to the ambitious producer of high grade eggs.

Requisites of the Production of High Grade Eggs.

(a) Hens that produce a goodly number of eggs, and at the same time an egg that is moderately large (average two ounces each).  Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, Leghorns, Minorcas are the varieties which will do this.

(b) Good housing, regular feeding and watering, and above all clean, dry nests.

(c) Daily gathering of eggs, when the temperature is above 80 degrees, gathering twice a day.

(d) The confining of all broody hens as soon as discovered.

(e) The rejection as doubtful of all eggs found in a nest which was not visited the previous day. (Such eggs should be used at home where each may be broken separately).

(f) The placing as soon as gathered of all summer eggs in the coolest spot available.

(g) The prevention at all times of moisture in any form coming in contact with the egg’s shell.

(h) The selling of young cockerels before they begin to annoy the hens.  Also the selling or confining of old male birds from the time hatching is over until cool weather in fall.

(i) The using of cracked and dirty, as well as small eggs, at home.  Such eggs if consumed when fresh are perfectly wholesome, but when marketed are discriminated against and are likely to become an entire loss.

(j) Keeping eggs away from musty cellars or bad odors.

(k) Keeping the egg as cool and dry as possible while en route to market.

(l) The marketing of all eggs at least once per week and oftener, when facilities permit.

(m) The use of strong, clean cases or cartons and good fillers.



The methods by which the larger number of American eggs pass from the producer to consumer is as follows: 

The eggs are gathered by the farmer with varying regularity and are brought perhaps on the average of once a week, to the local village merchant.

Project Gutenberg
The Dollar Hen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.