Our Vanishing Wild Life eBook

William Temple Hornaday
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Our Vanishing Wild Life.

Our Vanishing Wild Life eBook

William Temple Hornaday
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Our Vanishing Wild Life.

RINDERPEST IN AFRICA.—­Probably the greatest slaughter ever wrought upon wild animals by diseases during historic times, was by rinderpest, a cattle plague which afflicted Africa in the last decade of the previous century.  Originally, the disease reached Africa by way of Egypt, and came as an importation from Europe.  From Egypt it steadily traveled southward, reaching Somaliland in 1889.  In 1896 it reached the Zambesi River and entered Rhodesia.  From thence it went on southward almost to the Cape.  Not only did it sweep away ninety percent of the native cattle but it also destroyed more than seventy-five per cent of the buffalos, antelopes and other hoofed game of Rhodesia.  It was feared that many species would be completely exterminated, but happily that fear was not realized.  The buffalo and antelope herds were fifteen years in breeding up again to a reasonable number, but thanks to the respite from hunters which they enjoyed for several years, finally they did recover.  Throughout British East Africa the supply of big game in 1905 was very great, but since that time it has been very greatly diminished by shooting.

CARIBOU DISEASE.—­From time to time reports have come from the Province of Quebec, and I think from Maine and New Brunswick also, of many caribou having died of disease.  The nature of that disease has remained a mystery, because it seems that no pathologist ever has had an opportunity to investigate it.  Fortunately, however, the alleged disease never has been sufficiently wide-spread or continuous to make appreciable inroads on the total number of caribou, and apparently the trouble has been local.

SCAB IN MOUNTAIN SHEEP.—­“Scab” is a contagious and persistent skin disease that affects sheep, and is destructive when not controlled.  Fifteen years ago it prevailed in some portions of the west.  In Colorado it has several times been reported that many bighorn mountain sheep were killed by “scab,” which was contracted on wild mountain pastures that had been gone over by domestic sheep carrying that disease.  From the reports current at that time, we inferred that about 200 mountain sheep had been affected.  It was feared that the disease would spread through the wild flocks and become general, but this did not occur.  It seems that the remnant flocks had become so isolated from one another that the isolation of the affected flocks saved the others.

LUMPY-JAW IN ANTELOPE AND SHEEP.—­It is a lamentable fact that some, at least, of the United States herds of prong-horned antelope are afflicted with a very deadly chronic infective disease known as actinomycosis, or lumpy-jaw.  It has been brought into the Zoological Park five times, by specimens shipped from Colorado, Texas, Wyoming and Montana.  I think our first cases came to us in 1902.

In its early stage this disease is so subtle and slow that it is months in developing; and this feature renders it all the more deadly, through the spread of infection long before the ailment can be discovered.

Project Gutenberg
Our Vanishing Wild Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.