Bringing back
birds and game
vanishing species
British Columbia
game conditions in,
game preserves in
British East Africa, remarkable bag “limit” in
Bronx River, ducks killed by pollution of
Brooklyn Institute
Brooks, Earle A.
Brown, William Harvey, at Salisbury
Brown, William P.
Bryan, W.A.
Buckland, James
Buckskin Mountain
Buffalo Academy of Sciences
Buffalo in Cape Colony
Buffalo, American,
now living,
see Bison.
Buffalo Park, Alberta
Bunting, Snow,
killed for food.
Burnham, John B.
Burtch, Verdi.
Bustard being exterminated.
Butcher bird.
Butler, A.L.
Butler, Amos W.
+ + + + +
new laws needed in
Academy of Sciences
National monuments of
State Game Preserve
University of.
Call, San Francisco.
Calliste, Superb.
Camp-Fire Club of America
code of ethics of.
Camp-Fire Club of Detroit.
Campion, C.
Camp laborers as game destroyers.
game laws and preserves in.
Cape Province, South Africa, big game in.
Carbonell, E.T.
in Nova Scotia
in general, status of
killed for their tongues
slaughtered and wasted, in Quebec.
Caribou disease.
Carleton, L.T.
Carnegie Institute of Washington.
Carrick, Penn., bird day at.
Cartridges, estimated annual production of.
Cat and its victim.
Cats, birds destroyed by.
Caterpillars eaten by shore-birds.
Caton, John Dean.
Cause, choice of a.
Cedar Bird, eaten as “game”.
Cereals, losses on, from insects.
Corbin bison herd.
Chambers, Fred. W.
Chamois, slaughter of protected, in Switzerland.
Chapman, Arthur.
Charles, Salem D.
Cheney, Henry W.
Chicago Academy of Sciences.
as a plague-spot for sale of game
devours Norway ptarmigan
University of
barren of wild life
raked and scraped for ducks.
Chinese now buyers of game.
Christian, L.T.
Cigarette beetle.
Cincinnati Zoological Gardens.
Clark, J.C.
Clark, W.A.
Claxton, Dr. P.P., on Tennessee robin slaughter.
Clergy, Italian, duty of.
Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.
Close season law in New York.
Close season,
at discretion
long, needed.
Clubs opposed to automatic guns.
Coccidiosus, intestinal, in ducks.
Cock of the Rock.
Codling moth, birds that devour the.
Cold storage of game in New York.
Cold storage warehouses and steamers in China.
Collier’s Weekly.
Colonist, Victoria.
new laws needed in
game-breeding laws of
national monuments of
Comity between states, lack of.
Commission, New York Conservation.