Our Vanishing Wild Life eBook

William Temple Hornaday
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Our Vanishing Wild Life.

Our Vanishing Wild Life eBook

William Temple Hornaday
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Our Vanishing Wild Life.


On the whole, the game laws of Michigan are in excellent shape, and leave little to be desired in the line of betterment except to be simplified.  All the game protected by the laws of the state is debarred from sale; squirrels, pinnated grouse, doves and wild turkeys enjoy long close seasons; the bag limits on deer and game birds are reasonably low; spring shooting still is possible on nine species of ducks; and this should be stopped without delay.

Only three or four suggestions are in order: 

  All spring shooting should be prohibited.

  All shore birds should have a five-year close season.

  The use of the machine shotguns in hunting should be stopped.

  The laws should permit the sale, under tag, of all species of game
  that can successfully be reared in preserves on a commercial basis.

  Two or three state game preserves, for deer, each at least four
  miles square, should be established without delay.


This state should at once enact a bag-limit law that will do some good, instead of the statutory farce now on the books.  Make it fifteen birds per day of waterfowl, all species combined, and no grouse or quail.

  There should be five-year close seasons enacted for quail, grouse,
  plover, woodcock, snipe, and all other shore birds.

  A law should be enacted prohibiting the use of firearms by
  unnaturalized aliens, and a $20 license for all naturalized aliens.

  Provision should be made for a large state game refuge in southern

  The state should prohibit the use of machine guns in hunting.

To-day, direct and reliable advices show that the game situation in Minnesota is far from encouraging.  Several species are threatened with extinction at an early date.  In northern Minnesota it is reported that much game is surreptitiously trapped and slaughtered.  The bob white is reported as threatened with total extinction at an early date; but I think the prairie chicken will be the first bird species to go.  Moose will soon be extinct everywhere in Minnesota except in the game preserves.  Apparently there is now about one duck in Minnesota for every ten ducks that were there only ten years ago.

Now, what is Minnesota going to do about all this?  Is she willing through Apathy to become a gameless state?  Her people need to arouse themselves now, and pass several strong laws.  Her bag limit of forty-five birds per day of quail, grouse, woodcock and plover, and fifty per day of the waterbirds, is a joke, and nothing more; but it is no laughing matter.  It spells extermination.


  The legalized slaughter of robins, cedar birds, grosbeaks and doves
  should cease immediately, on the basis of economy of resources and a
  square deal to all the states lying northward of Mississippi.

Project Gutenberg
Our Vanishing Wild Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.