McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia.

McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 244 pages of information about McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia.

Friday, November 15.

Wind east at daylight.  Thermometer stood at 54 degrees; this is lower than I thought it would have been and the morning is not anything like so cold as yesterday morning.  I will notice the temperature during the rest of our stay here.  At five in the afternoon it stood at 100 degrees.  Bullingani and his two lubras came to the camp accompanied by another native of Lake Perrigundi.

Saturday, November 16.

Wind east at daylight; thermometer, 63 degrees; breeze very moderate; at noon died away to a calm.  At 2 p.m. thermometer in sun 140 degrees; at 6 p.m. 106 degrees in the sun.  Some natives opposite fishing in the lake; one here busy making a net from the rushy grass that abounds round the lake.  At sunset quite a calm.

Sunday, November 17.

Quite a calm at daylight; temperature in open air 68 degrees; at 8 a.m. slight breeze from north, thermometer in sun 118 degrees; at 10 a.m. 136 degrees; at noon 160 degrees with wind from north-west with a number of thunder-looking clouds.  At sunset temperature 97 degrees; still cloudy.  A further arrival of natives on opposite side of lake.

Monday, November 18.

At daylight calm; temperature 73 degrees in open air.  At 10 a.m. temperature 143 degrees in the sun out of the wind; wind from north to north-west.  A number of natives arrived this morning.  At twenty minutes to 11 a.m. temperature 154 degrees; at noon cool breeze temperature 146 degrees; at sunset light breeze from north-west, temperature 102 degrees.  Anxiously expecting the party under Mr. Hodgkinson.

Tuesday, November 19.

Wind north at daylight; temperature 77 degrees in open air; up till noon blew strong.  Temperature at noon in sun out of the breeze 136 degrees.  At sunset wind moderated; heavy clouds from south-east round by south-west to north.  At 9 p.m. temperature 96 degrees.  At 12 blew a strong gale from south-east accompanied by a very little rain.  A good deal of lightning and a little thunder from the southward of west, round west and north of west and apparently raining.

Wednesday, November 20.

Wind working round from south of east to north of east.  At 6 a.m. temperature 84 degrees; very cloudy and threatens much for rain—­perhaps when the wind moderates we may have a fall.  For the last few days Middleton has been laid up with a very bad sore ulcerated throat but is now nearly recovered.  I am now quite recovered and anxiously awaiting the return of Mr. Hodgkinson’s party that I may be enabled to start for Cooper’s Creek by a route a little more to the southward than when I tried when last out.  At 1 p.m. wind fallen and changed to west-north-west; temperature 98 degrees.  Wind suddenly chopped round by west to south from which quarter till dark it blew quite a gale, causing the lake to recede about 600 yards further north.  Highest temperature during afternoon 105 degrees; at 7 p.m. 90 degrees.  It looks exceedingly like rain and very boisterous.  Mr. Hodgkinson’s party not yet arrived.  At midnight a few drops of rain with the high wind.

Project Gutenberg
McKinlay's Journal of Exploration in the Interior of Australia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.