LANE-POOLE, STANLEY, Litt.D., etc. (1854).—Historian and archaeologist. Histories of the Moors in Spain (7th ed. 1904), The Mohammedan Dynasties (1893), The Mogul Emperors (1892), Art of the Saracens of Egypt (1886), The Story of Cairo, Lives of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, E.W. Lane, Aurangzib Saladin, etc., edit. Lane’s Arabic Lexicon, etc.
LAUGHTON, SIR JOHN KNOX (1830).—Writer on naval subjects, etc. Physical Geography in relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents (1870), Studies in Naval History (1887), Nelson (English Men of Action) (1895), Nelson and his Companions in Arms (1896), Sea Fights and Adventures (1901); ed. Letters and Dispatches of Lord Nelson, From Howard to Nelson (1899), etc.
LAW, WILLIAM ARTHUR (1844).—Dramatic author. A Night Surprise (1877), Enchantment (1878), Castle Botherem (1880), Nobody’s Fault (1882), A Mint of Money (1884), The Judge (1890), Country Mouse (1902), Three Blind Mice (1906), etc.
LAWLESS, THE HON. EMILY.—Novelist. Hurrish (1886), Story of Ireland (1887), Plain Frances Mowbray (1889), With Essex in Ireland (1890), A Garden Diary (1901), Book of Gilly (1906), etc.
LEAF, WALTER, Litt.D. (1852).—Scholar and translator. The Iliad of Homer translated into English Prose (with A. Lang and E. Myers) (1882), Companion to the Iliad (1892), etc.
LEE, SIDNEY, D.Litt., LL.D. (1859).—Ed. of The Dictionary of National Biography (with Sir L. Stephen), Stratford on Avon from the Earliest Times to the Death of Shakespeare (1885), Life of Shakespeare (1898), A Life of Queen Victoria (1902), Shakespeare and the Modern Stage (1906), etc. Has also ed. various English texts.
LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD (1866).—Novelist and poet. Volumes in Folio (1888), The Religion of a Literary Man (1893), Quest of the Golden Girl (1896), Romance of Zion Chapel (1898), Sleeping Beauty (1900), New Poems (1909), etc.
LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL (1840).—Philosopher, etc. Ancient Religion and Modern Thought (1884), Chapters in European History (1886), A Century of Revolution (1889), The Great Enigma (1893), Four English Humorists of the Nineteenth Century (1895), Renaissance Types (1901), Studies in Religion and Literature (1904).
LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863).—Novelist. At the Gate of Samaria (1895). The Demagogue and Lady Phayre (1896), A Study in Shadows (1896), The White Dove (1900), The Usurper (1901), The Beloved Vagabond (1906), etc.; also dramas, The Morals of Marcus, The Palace of Puck, Idols, etc.