Aachen, 326.
Abaddon, 162.
Abubekr, first caliph, 155.
Aegean Sea, 36, 46.
Africa, conquered by Saracens, 160.
Ahab, 53.
Alani, 145.
Alans, 146, 215.
Alaric, invades Italy, 136-141, 149.
Ala-Shehr, 63.
Albi, council of, 339.
Albigenses, 113, 161, 196, 270, 342.
Aleppo, 165.
Alexander I., 172.
Alexander the Great, 320.
Alexander VI., Pope, 346, 347.
Alexandria, 109, 110.
Alison, A., quoted, 307-315.
Ammianus Marcellinus, quoted, 188.
Amiens, 140.
Ammon, 330.
Anabaptists, 292.
Anglo-Saxons, 215.
Anthony, founder of monasticism, 189, 190.
Antioch, 104, 109, 110.
Antioch Epiphanes, 230.
Antipas, 49.
Apollo, 241.
Apollyon, 162.
Aquinas, Thos., 340, 341.
Arabia, 330; conquered by Saracens, 160.
Arras, 140.
Arcadius, Roman emp., 137, 138, 440, n.
Argos, 137.
Armageddon, 332.
Armenia, 330; conquered by Turks, 165.
Arnout, Mme., quoted, 310.
Asbury, Bishop, 368.
Assyria, 330.
Astolphus, k. of Lombards, 352, n.
Athanasius, 190.
Athens, 137.
Attalus, 139.
Atkins, Robert, quoted, 365.
Attica, 137.
Attila, 142, 145, 146, 149.
Atys, 407.
Augsburg, 191.
Augsburg Confession (A.D. 1530), 191, 247, 252, 253.
Augustine, 96.
Augustines, Order of, 246, 251.
Augustulus, Roman emp., 148.
Augustus Caesar, first Roman emp., 222.
Aurelian, Roman emp., 189.
Aurelius, Marcus, Roman emp., 46, 98.
Austerlitz, battle of, 322.
Avignon, 327; removal of Papal chair to, 305, 306;
council of, 339.
Babylon, taken by Cyrus, 166, 329, 331;
great edifices of, 432.
Babylonian empire, 330, 397.
Bacchus, 407.
Bagdad, founded (A.D. 762), 160, 165.
Balaam, 49, 50.
Balak, 50.
Barak, 332.
Barnes, Dr., quoted, 359.
Baronius, quoted, 345.
Barrows, John Henry, quoted, 409, 410.
Basil, council of, 340.
Bayazid, Sultan, 61.
Bedford jail, 36