The Revelation Explained eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Revelation Explained.

The Revelation Explained eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Revelation Explained.
overwhelmed with sorrow at the sight of all their wealth disappearing.  Thus is great sect Babylon represented.  She is a mighty city extending not only over the Apocalyptic earth, but, as symbolized by the ship-masters, sailors, and foreign traders, over the whole world.  Suddenly she is set on fire by heaven’s truth and her spiritual magnificence destroyed.  The apostle Paul describes the great apostasy as a system that the “Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” 2 Thes. 2:8.  That spiritual consumption is now taking place in accordance with the symbols of this chapter, but the entire literal destruction of old Babylon will take place coincident “with the brightness of his coming,” as described in the following chapter.

That sectarians are greatly alarmed over the sad condition of their fallen churches is clearly shown by the many quotations already given from Protestant writers.  They may not be aware that it is a judgment from heaven upon man-made organizations; but such we know it to be in the light of eternal truth.  Not only are they bewailing the loss of spiritual life and the desolating famine in sectdom, as was Bishop Foster and others, but they are beginning to tremble for their own safety and to wonder what the final outcome of it all will be.  Wherever the gospel truth has been preached in all its purity, the sectarian denominations have been left destitute of spiritual life; for the children of God have heard his call, “Come out of her, my people,” and have made their escape to Zion.  Hence the ministers of Babylon cry out continually, “Stop! you are tearing our churches down,” “You are taking our best members away from us,” etc.  But we can not withhold the truth; for the time has come when God is gathering his people together out of all the “places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day” (Ezek. 34:12) into the one church that Jesus built.  “Babylon is fallen, is fallen.”

    20.  Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and
    prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.

This verse is so clear that it requires no special explanation.  God’s people are delivered from sect Babylon; and while the judgments of eternal truth are being poured out upon her, all heaven and earth is called upon to rejoice and to give glory to God.

  “We stand in the glory that Jesus has given,
    The moon as the day-spring doth shine;
  The light of the sun is now equal to seven,
    So bright is the glory divine.

  “Now filled with the Spirit and clad in the armor
    Of light and omnipotent truth,
  We’ll testify ever and Jesus we’ll honor,
    And stand from sin Babel aloof.

  “The prophet’s keen vision transpiercing the ages,
    Beheld us to Zion return;
  We’ll sing of our freedom, though Babylon rages,
    We’ll shout as her city doth burn.”

Project Gutenberg
The Revelation Explained from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.