The Revelation Explained eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Revelation Explained.

The Revelation Explained eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 446 pages of information about The Revelation Explained.
is but a species of idolatry and the rankest deception.  It is a sad fact that multitudes of people in Protestantism are more devoted to their particular church than they are to the Lord Jesus Christ.  They can witness the open rejection of God’s precious Word and the vilest profanation of his holy name, without uttering a word of protest; but let anyone say a word against their church, and instantly they are aroused to the highest pitch of excitement—­beast-worshipers!

The Protestant era has witnessed many wonderful reformations in which the true fire of God fell upon waiting souls, but this initial work of the Spirit has in each case been employed as an excuse for taking the next step—­making an image.  Thousands of honest souls, lacking better light, have been induced to submit to such human organization.  But the truly saved have always loved and adored their Lord more than the human church to which they were attached, therefore they should not be regarded as beast-worshipers.  They are the ones whom the Lord denominates his people when the voice is heard calling them out of Babylon.  Chap. 18:4.

The “mark of the beast” next claims our attention.  The beast referred to is the Papacy.  How did the Papacy mark its subjects?  Undoubtedly, by the false spirit which animated that organization, branding them all with its delusive doctrines and errors.  In a previous chapter the servants of God were represented as receiving the seal of God in their foreheads.  This was shown to signify the pure Word and doctrines of the Bible being planted within them by the Holy Spirit.  In making the sect image in imitation of the Papal original, then, the principle of marking subjects has also been copied.  The members of every sect organization are indelibly marked.  You can not become one of them without solemnly agreeing to believe the doctrines taught in their discipline and accepting the government of their man-made institutions.  Subscribing to the rules of faith and practise that originated with the sect shows how its members worship the image.  They are also said to worship the first beast, the original of the image.  How is this fulfilled?  In the same manner that the worshipers of the first beast worshiped the dragon that preceded it; namely, by accepting and believing false principles of faith that originated in the system immediately preceding.  Protestant sects have transferred many of the false doctrines of Romanism to their own creeds, hence they worship the first beast just as truly as the Papists worshiped the dragon by accepting heathenish principles.  The greatest principle of false doctrine that originated with Catholicism, and one that has been transferred to every Protestant sect, is, that a human organization is necessary to complete the church of Christ on earth.  The church of Rome has an earthly head and a human government; and Protestants, also, firmly believe the unscriptural doctrine that they must bow to an organization of men and thus be under a visible headship:  they receive the mark of the beast.  Many sects have also copied other Popish doctrines, such as infant baptism, the destruction of all outside of the pales of the church (?), infantile damnation, sprinkling, and other things too numerous to mention.  Thus, they worship the first beast as well as his image.

Project Gutenberg
The Revelation Explained from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.