The Common People of Ancient Rome eBook

Frank Frost Abbott
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about The Common People of Ancient Rome.

The Common People of Ancient Rome eBook

Frank Frost Abbott
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about The Common People of Ancient Rome.
65 Employee to watch children, per child, per month 21.6 " 66 Elementary teacher, per pupil, per month 21.6 " 67 Teacher of arithmetic, per pupil, per month 32.6 " 68 Teacher of stenography, per pupil, per month 32.6 " 69 Writing-teacher, per pupil, per month 21.6 " 70 Teacher of Greek, Latin, geometry, per pupil, per month 87 " 71 Teacher of rhetoric, per pupil, per month $1.09 72 Advocate or counsel for presenting a case $1.09 73 For finishing a case $4.35 74 Teacher of architecture, per pupil, per month 43.5 cents 75 Watcher of clothes in public bath, for each patron .9 cent


1a Hide, Babylonian, first quality                         $2.17
2 Hide, Babylonian, second quality                           $1.74
4 Hide, Phoenician (?)                                           43   cents
6a Cowhide, unworked, first quality                       $2.17
7 Cowhide, prepared for shoe soles                           $3.26
9 Hide, second quality, unworked                             $1.31
10 Hide, second quality, worked                              $2.17
11 Goatskin, large, unworked                                    17   cents
12 Goatskin, large, worked                                      22     "
13 Sheepskin, large, unworked                                    8.7   "
14 Sheepskin, large, worked                                     18     "
17 Kidskin, unworked                                             4.3   "
18 Kidskin, worked                                               7     "
27 Wolfskin, unworked                                           10.8   "
28 Wolfskin, worked                                             17.4   "
33 Bearskin, large, unworked                                    43     "
39 Leopardskin, unworked                                     $4.35
41 Lionskin, worked                                          $4.35


5a Boots, first quality, for mule-drivers and peasants, per
     pair, without nails 52 cents 6 Soldiers’ boots, without nails 43 " 7 Patricians’ shoes 65 " 8 Senatorial shoes 43 " 9 Knights’ shoes 30.5 "
10 Women’s boots 26 "
11 Soldiers’ shoes 32.6 "
15 Cowhide shoes for women, double soles 21.7 "
16 Cowhide shoes for women, single soles 13 "
20 Men’s slippers 26 "
21 Women’s slippers 21.7 "

Project Gutenberg
The Common People of Ancient Rome from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.