vuto theym. Ne to take the fysshe awaye that
is taken in theym. For after a fysshe is taken
in a mannys gynne yf the gynne be layed in the comyn
waters: or elles in suche waters as he hireth,
it is his owne propre goodes. And yf ye take
it awaye ye robbe hym: whyche is a ryght shamfull
dede to ony noble man to do yt that theuys & brybours
done: whyche are punysshed for theyr evyll dedes
by the necke & other wyse whan they maye be aspyed
& taken. And also yf ye do in lyke manere as
this treatise shewyth you: ye shal haue no nede
to take of other menys: whiles ye shal haue ynough
of your owne takyng yf ye lyste to labour therfore.
Whyche shall be to you a very pleasure to se the fayr
bryght shynynge scalyd fysshes dysceyved by your crafty
meanes & drawen vpon londe. Also that ye breke
noo mannys heggys in goynge abowte your dysportes:
ne opyn noo mannes gates but that ye shytte theym
agayn. Also ye shall not vse this forsayd crafty
dysporte for no covety senes to thencreasynge & sparynge
of your money oonly, but pryncypally for your solace
& to cause the helthe of your body, and specyally
of your soule. For whanne ye purpoos to goo on
your disportes in fysshyng ye woll not desyre gretly
many persones wyth you, whiche myghte lette you of
your game. And thenne ye maye serue God deuowtly
in sayenge affectuously youre custumable prayer.
And thus doynge ye shall eschewe & voyde many vices,
as ydylnes whyche is pryncypall cause to enduce man
to many other vyces, as it is ryght well knowen.
Also ye shall not be to rauenous in takyng of your
sayd game as to moche at one tyme: whyche ye
maye lyghtly doo, yf ye doo in euery poynt as this
present treatyse shewyth you in euery poynt, whyche
lyghtly be occasyon to dystroye your owne dysportes
& other mennys also. As whan ye haue a suffycyent
mese ye sholde coveyte nomore as at that tyme.
Also ye shall besye yourselfe to nouryssh the game
in all that ye maye: & to dystroye all such thynges
as ben devourers of it. And all those that done
after this rule shall haue the blessynge of god & saynt
Petyr, whyche be theym graunte that wyth his precyous
blood vs boughte.
And for by cause that this present treatyse sholde
not come to the hondys of eche ydle persone whyche
wolde desire it yf it were enpryntyd allone by itself
& put in a lytyll plaunflet therfore I have compylyd
it in a greter volume of dyverse bokys concernynge
to gentyll & noble men to the entent that the forsayd
ydle persones whyche sholde have but lytyll mesure
in the sayd dysporte of fyshyng sholde not by this
meane utterly dystroye it.
Reprinted by Thomas White, Crane Court