A Short History of Monks and Monasteries eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about A Short History of Monks and Monasteries.

A Short History of Monks and Monasteries eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about A Short History of Monks and Monasteries.


Tabenna, Monastery at, 32, 58. 
Tauler, John, a Dominican, 242;
  on service and contemplation,

Taunton, E.L., on the family-idea
  of monasteries, 143; on Augustine
  and British monks, 165. 
Taylor, Isaac, on the biography
  of Anthony, 48. 
Templars, see Knights. 
Tennyson, on Stylites, 54. 
Tertullian, on Christianity in
  Britain, 123. 
Thackeray, views of, on Jesuits
  opposed, 278. 
Theodoret, on Stylites, 51, 53. 
Theodosius, Abbot, 50. 
Theology, the monks and, 406;
  White on same, 416. 
Theophilus, joins Eudoxia against
  Chrysostom, 117. 
Therapeutae, Philo on the, 27. 
Thieffroy, on charity of monks,
Third Order, see Franciscans and
Thirty Years’ War, the Jesuits
  and the, 277. 
Trench, on monastic history, 175;
  on genius in creation, 207;
  on the stigmata, 223. 
Trent, Council of, restricts Mendicants,
  246; on marriage, 382.


Universities, foundations of, laid
  by monks, 405. 
Urban II., Pope, the gift of
  Cluny monastery, 178.


Valens, Emperor, fails to stop
  flight from Rome, 127. 
Vaughan, on Bernard’s reforms,
  195; on the need of reformation,
Virgins, see Marriage. 
Virgil, Jerome’s fondness for, 95;
  Mabie on reading of, 408. 
Vivaria, literary work in monastery
  at, 152. 
Voltaire, on the monks, 388. 
Vows, monastic, 61; irrevocable,
  66, 112; usual history of,
  174; of the military orders,
  198; the fundamental, 375;
  the passing away of, 423. See
  Poverty, Celibacy and Obedience. 
Vulgate, Jerome, 85.


Waddington, on the hermits, 34;
  on conscience and method of
  monks, 390. 
War, monks incite to, 401. 
Watch-dogs of the Church, a term
  applied to the Dominicans, 249. 
Wealth, Christ’s doctrine of, 377;
  not in itself an evil, 379; its
  true value, 405; compatible
  with Christianity, 420. 
White, on the theology of the
  monks, 416. 
Whiting, Richard, Abbot of
  Glastonbury, 315. 
Widows, see Women and Marriage. 
Wilfred, St., his monastic labors, 167. 
William of Aquitaine, 177. 
William of Amour, 250. 
William of Orange, 394. 
Wolsey, Cardinal, 294, 308. 
Women, welcome call of monks, 81;
  Kingsley on same, 82;
  Juvenal on Roman women, 82;
  Jerome’s influence on, 86, 96;
  monasticism and, 106;
  hermit life unsuited to, 107;
  effect of corrupt society on, 107,
  no; distinguished by mercy, in, 350;
  compared with monks, 111;
  married life of, in Rome, 112;
  influence of Ambrose upon, 126;
  regulation of Guigo concerning monks and, 190. 
Wyclif, attacks the friars, 253, 337;
  spirit of, affects monasticism, 295, 429.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of Monks and Monasteries from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.