his saying on fasting, 121.
Atonement, for sin, the monk’s influence on doctrine of, 417.
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, his life, and services to monasticism,
117, 119;
influenced by biography of Anthony, 43;
on marriage and celibacy, 112;
charges monks with fraud, 128.
Augustine, Rule of, adopted by Dominic, 232, 241.
Augustine, the monk, his mission to England, 161.
Augustinians, 246.
Aurelius, Emperor, Christianity during reign of, 124.
Austerities, Robertson on, 94.
See Asceticism and Self-denial
Austin Canons, 118.
Bacon, Roger, a Franciscan, 228;
imprisonment of, 407.
Bagot, Richard, on the English reformation, 345.
Bale, John, on the fall of the monasteries, 333.
Baluzii, on the prosperity of the Franciscans, 255.
Bangor, Monastery of, founded, 123;
slaughter of its monks, 165.
Barbarians, the struggle of the monks with, 148, 149,
conversion of, 398.
Basil the Great, 63;
revolts against excessive austerities,
founder of Greek monasticism, 64, 65;
his rules, 65;
adopts irrevocable vows, 65;
on marriage, 66;
enforces strict obedience, 66.
Bede, The Venerable, on the British
Church, 123; on monks and
animals, 156.
Begging Friars, see Mendicants,
Franciscans and Dominicans.
Benedict, Pope, XI., 221; XII.,
consecrates Monte Cassino,
135; on the stigmata of St.
Francis, 221.
Benedict of Aniane, his attempted
reform, 176.
Benedict, of Nursia, birth and
early life, 131; his trials, 132;
his fame attracts followers, 133;
his strictness provokes opposition,
133; retires to Monte Cassino,
134; conquers Paganism,
135; his miracles and power
over barbarians, 137; his last
days, 13 8; his rules, 138; Schaff
on same, 148; Cardinal Newman
on mission of, 149; saying
of, on manual labor, 403.
Benedict, Order of St., 131; rules
of, 138; the novitiate, 140;
daily life of monks, 140; meaning
of term “order,” 143;
abbots of, 144; manual labor,
147, 403; Schaff on rules of,
148; its dealings with barbarians,
148, 398; its literary and
educational services, 151; its
agricultural work, 155, 404;
spread of, 158; its followers
among the royalty, 159.
Bernard, of Clairvaux, his birth
and monastic services, 193;
character of his monastery,
192; on drugs and doctors,
194; his reforms, 195; Vaughan
on, 195; Storrs on, 197; the
Crusades, 197; on the abuses
of charity, 411.
Bernardone, Peter, father of Francis,
208. See Francis.
Bethlehem, Jerome’s monasteries
at, 85, 88; Paula establishes
monasteries at, 100.
Bible, The, and monasticism, 30,