Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 269 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.
about.  Of “bad language,” in keeping with the bad spirit of the book, the following may serve as specimens:  “Pretensiveness,” “frequentation,” “annexion,” “capitulations” instead of “treaties,” “monogram” for “monograph,” “it needs to,” “howmuchsoever,” “law-books invested with the reflection of fine scenery,” “imposed itself,” “I demand of myself,” and other such phrases without number.

Once done with Sir Alexander Cockburn and the work at Geneva, Mr. Cushing shows himself and his country to much better advantage in discussing the “Mixed Commission” now sitting at Washington, the Northwest Boundary, the Fisheries, and the general provisions of the Washington treaty.  He has, however, simply forestalled the ground for some better writer on the important history which belongs to that negotiation, and will give the reading and reflecting public, both abroad and at home, a very unfavorable impression of the great task in which he played so important a part, and of the qualities of mind and temper he must have brought to it, since at this late day he finds no better impetus to the work of writing its history than unexplained anger at one of the members of the board before which Mr. Cushing argued the cause of his country, and helped to win it.

Books Received.

The Drawing-Room Stage:  A Series of Original Dramas, Comedies, Farces, and Entertainments for Amateur Theatricals and School Exhibitions.  By George M. Baker.  Illustrated.  Boston:  Lee & Shepard.

Five Years in an English University.  By Charles Astor Bristed, late Foundation Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge.  Third edition.  Revised by the Author.  New York:  G.P.  Putnam & Sons.

Memoirs of Madame Desbordes-Valmore.  By the late C.A.  Sainte-Beuve.  With a Selection from her Poems.  Translated by Harriet W. Preston.  Boston:  Roberts Brothers.

Livingstone and his African Explorations:  together with a Full Account of the Young, Stanley and Dawson Search Expeditions.  New York:  Adams, Victor & Co.

The Mother’s Register:  Current Notes of the Health of Children.  From the French of Professor J.B.  Fonssagrines.  New York:  G.P.  Putnam & Sons.

Thorvaldsen:  His Life and Works.  By Eugene Plon.  Translated from the French by J. M. Luyster.  Illustrated.  Boston:  Roberts Brothers.

Scientific and Industrial Education:  its Importance to our Country.  By G.B.  Stebbins.  Detroit:  Daily Post Printing Establishment.

Never Again.  By W.S.  Mayo, M.D., author of “Kaloolah,” “The Berber,” etc.  New York:  G.P.  Putnam & Sons.

The World-Priest.  From the German of Leopold Schafer.  By Charles T. Brooks.  Boston:  Roberts Brothers.

The Cuban Question in the Spanish Parliament.  London:  Press of the Anglo-American Times.

Treason at Home:  A Novel.  By Mrs. Greenough.  Philadelphia:  T.B.  Peterson & Brothers.

Myths and Myth-Makers.  By John Fiske, M.A., LL.B.  Boston:  James R.
Osgood & Co.

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.