Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

Christ stopped every funeral that came his way and sent the mourners home singing.  Funeral sermons were too sad for Him to preach.  Every sick room He entered became a health resort.  He made grave-yards unpopular.

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Many a lonely bachelor looking back over the stretch of years, recalls the charming moonlight nights, when the cool summer air was perfumed with old fashioned flowers, and he looked into the loving eyes of his sweetheart; recalls how the crimson glow of youth flushed her velvet cheeks as he took her warm hand in his; recalls sadly that if he had only given that hand “a square deal,” played it in the game of life, he would have had “a full house” now.

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Would you like to become young?  Then tap new reservoirs of youthful thoughts, irrigate your alkali desert from the fountains of youth, become youthfully active in some new field of work.  Vanderbilt added $100,000,000 to his fortune after he was eighty.  Wordsworth earned the Laureateship at seventy-three.  Theirs established the French Republic and became its first president at seventy-two.  Verdi wrote “Falstaff” at eighty.  Sir Walter Scott was $600,000 in debt when he was fifty-five, but thru his own efforts he paid all and made himself a lasting name.

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Book knowledge is not all.  A wealthy, fond father, fearing his son would be contaminated by college life, had him educated at home.  When he was twenty-one, he took him to ride thru the streets of the city.  They passed a female seminary just as the doors opened and a crowd of young women came out.  The dear boy grabbed his father’s arm and cried, “What are those?” His father replied, “They are only goslins.”  Later in the day, the fond father said:  “My son, you have obeyed me, have faithfully completed your education, now I am ready to spend $50,000 to give you the highest ambition of your life.”  The boy looked up in glad wonder and said:  “O, dad, give me a goslin.”

=Lesson Second

Supreme control of age=

=Youth is eternal:= Nature never grows old.  The flowers that bloomed in Eden are blooming to-day.  Just as lovely, just as sweet, just as fresh and unchanged.  The roses your life-mate brings home to you, have the same fragrance as the roses Adam brought to Eve, if he thought of it.  The lovely stars that glitter in the azure fields above you tonight, have the same loveliness that gleamed in tremulous glory down upon the shepherds beyond Bethlehem.  The radiant, life giving rays of the sun that ten thousand, thousand years ago warmed mother earth into vernal spring life, are the same life giving rays that shall bring again the spring-tide.  Life never grows old, it only changes form.  Your life is perpetual, then your youth may be perpetual.  The human race is ever young, its units fall off. 

Project Gutenberg
Supreme Personality from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.