Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

=Personal magnetism:= Keep steadily cultivating Magnetism, or your supply of Human Electricity.  The solar plexus is the great sympathetic centre of the nervous system.  Keep it aroused and active, and you will increase your magnetic forces.  Sensation, emotion and intensity of expression rise from the solar plexus.  Magnetism is generated by brain forces focalized by thoughts, the nerves are the medium of transfusion, colors increase the vibrations.  The moist palm of the hand forms an electrode when applied to any affected part.  The brain, by thought, starts the magnetic currents of healing force thru the arm into the part treated.  Let your eyes rest on the color of the Monochrome used, the current will then be complete.  By practise you can greatly intensify the healing thoughts and so increase the flow of magnetism.  While giving yourself the treatment, or to others, breathe deeply and regularly.  Have the body relaxed while treating, better lying down.  Have your eyes on the color, also if treating another, have them look at the same color.

=Mental disorders:= In all mental disorders, like Hysteria, Grief, Distress, Fear, Melancholy, select that color from your Monochrome that most soothes your particular temperament.  It may be light green, or yellow, or pink, or one of the blues.  You will soon be able to quickly tell which gives the greater relief.  Use only one color at a time.  You will find that after a little you can summon to your mind the color you desire without even using the actual color in the Monochrome.

=In case of injuries:= In case of injuries, swellings, inflammation, local pain, apply both hands where possible.  Have the palm of the hands always moist.  To start the process of thinking that will arouse the magnetic currents, think of the affected part as well.  Think of the pain as leaving.  Now, in treating the heart for palpitation, think of it as quiet, as strong, praise the heart for its wonderful endurance and power thru the past years, think of the strong abounding heart of an ox, or moose, and think that strength into your heart, that your heart is like it in power.  You will see a decided improvement.  Use the colors of the Monochrome in such cases as will give you the best vibration, the color that best responds to you.  Try the Red, Violet, Blue.  Most “heart troubles” are not heart troubles at all, but troubles of digestion.  Give attention to diet, and keep your intestinal tract clear.

=Treating the eyes and ears:= In all troubles of the eyes and ears apply the hands over the eyes, letting the palms rest firmly but not pressingly upon the eye, with the fingers up over the forehead, of course having the eyes closed.  Also treat with one palm over the eye and the other at the base of the brain.  Use the colors of the Monochrome that give the highest intensity of magnetic response.  The Purple, Violet, Blues, and Green.  In treating the ears, do the same.  Place the palm on each side of the neck.  Also treat the throat with both palms, and with single treatment of one palm.  It is not Necessary that both hands be used at once, but it increases the force to do so.

Project Gutenberg
Supreme Personality from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.