Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

Supreme Personality eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 57 pages of information about Supreme Personality.

=Power of attraction=:  Make your purpose brilliant.  Keep it clear.  Seek to energize it with positives.  Do not lumber up your plan.  Centralize it.  Modify it.  Create it as a necessity.  Form into it the indispensable.  Then embody yourself into it.  See that nothing about you defeats, or neutralizes attraction.  Have a burning interest in your proposition.  Look for fulfillment.  Anticipate success.  Make the world feel that you know you are right.  Stop asking folks if they think you will succeed.  Of course they do not, because they have not.  Hold your mind relaxed in Silence.  Make your desire active.  Set your wishes in motion.  Confidence attracts confidence.  Positives attract positives.  Bring out your latent forces, they only need arousing.  Think and act.

=Your mental attitude:= Have faith in yourself.  Arouse faith in others.  Think in the affirmative.  Assert your hope and confidence.  Root out every doubt.  Help someone out of their slough of doubt and despondency.  Believe in the world, in life, in growth, in possibilities.  Let your faith be as big and bright as the sun.  “Cast not away your confidence which hath great recompense of reward.”  “Dwell in confidence.”  “Hold fast your confidence and hope unto the end.”  Keep your mental attitude independent.  Keep it brave.  Think of money as a means, not as an end.  Seek wealth for the power of service it gives.  Have a generous mental attitude.  Help others succeed.  Banish fear, worry, indecision, timidity, irresolution, anxiety from your mental attitude, they paralyze effort.  Trust yourself.  Trust others.  Have a mental attitude that is supreme, divine, and absolute.  Spend your last dollar like a king.  Gird the loins of your mind with “I will.”  “I can.”  All the mountains of difficulty will melt before your presence.

=Ambition and desire:= Ambition is idealism.  Desire is faith.  You cannot have either without the possibility of their fulfillment.  Desires come from Supreme Intelligence in the Universe, and they are divine.  Therefore, they are real, possible of positive realization.  Keep them sacred.  Let them become the ideals of your life.  Make them glow with the fires of your energies.  They spell success and victory.  They will crown your life, if you will breathe your life into them.  Let your ambition make you irrepressible.  Avoid reactionary influences.  Keep away from dull, stupid, inactive people.

=Creative force and harmony:= Be original.  Think original thoughts, put them into form.  Invent and produce.  Create ideas.  Feel complete in yourself.  Do not stand in wonder at what others have done, right at your feet lies a secret that will enrich the world and make you famous.  A thinker discovered a substitute for the artist camel’s hair brush by taking the hair from inside a cow’s ear.  If you work in an office think up some out-door

Project Gutenberg
Supreme Personality from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.