draw up. compose, draught, write; array, arrange.
dread, n. apprehension, fear, awe (reverential fear).
dread, v. fear, apprehend.
dreadful, a. fearful, terrible, formidable, awful, dread, dire, direful, frightful.
dream, n. vision; illusion, vagary, wild conceit, revery, fancy, fantasy. Antonyms: fact, actuality, reality, substance, realization. Associated Words: Morpheus, Morphean, oneiroscopy, oneiroscopist, oneirocritic, oneiromancy, oneirology, oneirocriticism, nightmare.
dreamer, n. visionary, enthusiast, castle-builder, John-a-dreams.
dreamy, a. visionary, unreal, illusory. Antonyms: practical, real.
dreary, a. dismal, drear, cheerless, lonesome, wearisome, dull.
dregs, n. pl. refuse, sediment, lees, draff; riffraff.
dress, n. gown, toilette, robe; raiment, clothes, clothing, garments, habiliments, attire, garb, apparel, habit, array, costume, togs, toggery. Antonyms: See undress.
dress, v. clothe, deck, drape, apparel, robe, array, attire; adjust, align; curry, smooth, plane, finish; (Colloq.) castigate, chastise, whip. Antonyms: undress, disrobe, divest, strip, expose.
dress gaudily. bedizen, prank.
dressing, n. forcemeat, stuffing, condiment; (Colloq.) castigation, scolding, whipping, flogging, chastisement.
dressmaker, n. modiste, mantuamaker.
dribble, v. drip, trickle.
dribble, n. (Colloq.) trickling.
drier, n. desiccator, desiccant, desiccative, exsiccant, exsiccator.
drift, n. course, direction, bearing, tendency, aim, intention intent, design, import, meaning; accumulation, heap, bank, pile, diluvium.
drill, v. perforate, pierce, bore; train, discipline, exercise.
drink, v. quaff, sip, sup, imbibe, slake one’s thirst; tipple, tope, guzzle, booze, house, be intemperate; absorb.
drink, n. beverage, potation, potable; draught, dram, potation, drench.
drinkable, a. potable, potulent. Antonym: undrinkable
drinking, n. potation; tippling, bibacity, drunkenness, carousal, guzzling, intemperance. Antonyms: temperance nephalism, abstinence, teetotalism. Associated Words: bibacious, bibulous, bibitory, dipsomania, alcoholism thirst, nectar, hobnob, bacchanalian, inebriant, potatory, oenomania, symposium, crapulence, supernaculum convivial, conviviality, tankard, beaker, cup, stein, canteen.
drinking-bout, n. orgies, compotation, bacchanals, carousal revel, revelry, wassail, saturnalia, debauch, spree, excess, carouse, jollification.
drip, v. drop, trickle, dribble.
dripping, n. trickling, dribbling.
dripping from the eaves. stillicide.
drive, v. impel, force, compel, press; propel, send; rush, press; conduct, carry on.
drive at. aim, intend, purpose.
drive away. dispel, disperse, scatter, dissipate.