aforethought, n. premeditation.
afraid, a. alarmed, fearful, timid, timorous, apprehensive, scared, diffident. Antonyms: fearless, unafraid, intrepid, bold, undaunted, temerarious.
afresh, adv. again, anew, de novo, newly.
after, a. next, subsequent, succeeding, following, later.
after all. nevertheless.
afterbirth, n. secundines; heam (afterbirth of a beast).
after-birth, a. post-natal.
after-death, a. post-mortem, posthumous.
after-dinner, a. post-prandial.
after-marriage, a. post-nuptial, post-connubial.
aftermath, n. rowen, eddish, lattermath, eagrass, etch rowett.
afternoon, a. post-meridian.
after the flood. post-diluvian, post-diluvial.
after the war. post-bellum.
age, n. maturity, seniority; epoch, period, time; century; eon; climacteric; old age, dotage, senescence, senility, decrepitude, superannuation; longevity. Associated Words: nostology, geratology, geromorphism, coetaneous, coeval, contemporaneous.
agency, n. instrumentality, operation, action, mediation, means.
agent, n. representative, canvasser, substitute, deputy, factor, procurator, syndic, go-between, commissioner, proctor, emissary, envoy, solicitor, negotiator. Antonyms: principal, chief.
aggrandize, v. exalt.
aggrandizement, n. exaltation.
aggravate, v. intensify, heighten, enhance, increase; exasperate, irritate, provoke.
aggravation, n. enhancement, heightening; (Colloq.) exasperation, provocation, irritation.
aggregate, n. mass, whole, total.
aggregation, n. collection, accumulation, mass.
aghast, a. astounded, terrified, dismayed, horror-struck.
agile, a. nimble, spry, active, lively.
agility, n. spryness, nimbleness, activity.
agitate, v. disturb, shake, unsettle; excite, perturb, disconcert; discuss, consider.
agitation, n. commotion, disturbance, perturbation, excitement, flustration, discomposure, unrest, turmoil, estuation; discussion, ventilation.
agitator, n. incendiary, firebrand.
agree, v. concur, accord, chime, acquiesce, harmonize; accede, comply, assent, consent, grant; stipulate, promise, compromise; correspond, coincide, comport, tally, conform, match. Antonyms: disagree, differ, higgle, chaffer. See disagree.
agreeable, a. pleasant, grateful, gratifying, pleasurable, enjoyable, congenial; suitable, conformable to, compatible, consonant, befitting. Antonyms: See disagreeable.
agreement, n. concurrence, consensus, harmony, compatibility, acquiescence, accord, concord, conformity, coincidence, unanimity, unison, corroboration, correspondence; contract, treaty, stipulation, protocol, compact, collusion, cartel (Mil.). Antonyms: disagreement, dissension, discrepancy, variance, opposition, incompatibility.