Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

convocation, n. convention, congress, synod, diet, council, consistory.

convoy, n. protection, escort, attendance; guard, escort.

convulsion, n. spasm, paroxysm; agitation, commotion, disturbance, upheaval.

cook, n. chef (chief cook).

cook, v. stew, seethe, gratinate; (Colloq.) tamper with, garble, falsify.

cookable, a. coctible.

cooking, n. cuisine.

cook-room, n. kitchen, cuisine; galley, cuddy.

cool, v. chill, refrigerate; moderate, allay, calm, quiet.

cool, a. deliberate, self-possessed, unexcited, dispassionate, indifferent, nonchalant, unconcerned, composed; chilling, apathetic, repellent, distant, unfriendly, ceremonious; audacious, impudent, shameless, presumptuous, flippant, presuming.

cooler, n. refrigerator.

cooling, n. refrigeration; gelation (Astron.)—­a. refrigerant, chilling.

cooling room of Roman baths. frigidarium.

coolness, n. dispassion, nonchalance, indifference; (Colloq.) impudence, audacity.

coon, n. raccoon, mapach.

coop, n. pen, cote, mew, hutch, poultry-house.

coop, v. confine, shut up, imprison, incage, mew.

cooeperate, v. concur, unite, work together; collude.

cooeperating, a. cooperative, auxiliary, concurrent; synergetic.

cooeperation, n. concurrence, working together; collusion; synergism, synergy.  Antonyms:  antagonism, competition, opposition.

coot, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dunce, dullard, simpleton.

copier, n. copyist, transcriber; imitator, plagiarist.  Antonym:  originator.

copious, a. plentiful, abundant, overflowing, ample, exuberant.

copper, n. cuprum; cauldron.  Associated Words:  cupreous, cupric, cupriferous, cuprite, cuprous, speiss, chalcopyrite, chalcography, eruginous, verdigris, chalcographer, chalcographist.

copperas, n. green vitriol, sulphate of iron, ferrous sulphate.

coppice, n. copse.

copse, n. thicket, brushwood, coppice, boscage, bosk.

copulation, n. union, conjunction; sexual union, coition.  Associated words:  intromittent, infibulation, copulatory, copulate.

copy, n. transcript, reproduction, transcription, replica, replication, facsimile, duplicate, pasticcio, counterpart, counterfeit, imitation, apograph, estreat, exemplification, protocol, porotype; pattern, model, original, example, precedent; manuscript.

copy, v. transcribe, reproduce, trace, duplicate; imitate, ape, follow; exemplify.

copying machine. copygraph, polygraph.

copyist, n. transcriber, copier; imitator, plagiarist.

coquette, n. flirt.

coral, n. madrepora, madrepore.

cord, n. string, twine, torsade.

cordial, a. hearty, sincere, affectionate; strengthening, invigorating, cheering.

cordiality, n. sincerity, heartiness, ardor, empressement.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.